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    …And It Feels Like – (Chapter: What We’re Up Against: Part 1)

    And proved successful.

    Not caring of the conflict of interest and pain, Ashley crawled over to Aiden’s side the tearing inside that she had to fight pulling away from Spencer for the first time possibly her last, her sole interest invested in her sister’s boyfriend. It was all wrong, all of this wrong. Ashley was supposed to be in love with Spencer, that’s the way it was supposed to be- that’s what it was. It was right. It had to be. The first time that anyone ever could believe lesbian love was right and rallied behind it, even Ashley herself who had never fallen this hard for someone of the same sex. She had flings of short, but she had never fallen in love. Not since Aiden, who after the miscarriage, sleezy gold-digging ex-friends turned girlfriends, and the mock friendship that had ensued always sly on the sexual tension between them, chose to ignore the signs and believed that what they really wanted was on the other side of them: sisters and new found best friends. The ringers that they had pulled them through. The things that Spencer had done for her. The things that Kyla had done for Aiden. All seemed wasted as Ashley crawled back to her ex-boyfriend, liked he had wanted and secrectly somewhere that she had wanted even before the fact.

    In the shock and whirlwind, the usually cold and emotionally undefeated Ashley fell, tears falling down her face pleading with Aiden or whoever was holding him against his will to consicious to bring him back. "Don’t leave me Aiden, I’m right here. I’m right here." He couldn’t leave her here alone. Not with the mess he had made. He left her to explain to Spencer, Kyla, Glen, Clay, Chelsea and even Madison why. Why he loved her. Why she loved him. Why them loving one another, was so damn hard. Hard enough to give up on it the first time and the ignorance of believing they could and Aiden forcing her to think the same. Even in the doubts that she had swirling over her head, the sacrifices that she was giving just by holding onto his hand, staying by his side where his girlfriend should’ve knealed, nothing could force Ashley from his side. Not Spencer, not Kyla or Madision. This was where she belonged.


    1. Ashley can’t bring herself to choose between Aiden and Spencer but she REALLY needs to. Everyone is really going to hanging in limbo until she does. I can’t wait until school starts and they all have to see each other again. Please tell me you are going to bring it all back to Spashley in the end. PMS!

    2. Ashley can’t bring herself to choose between Aiden and Spencer but she REALLY needs to. Everyone is really going to hanging in limbo until she does. I can’t wait until school starts and they all have to see each other again. Please tell me you are going to bring it all back to Spashley in the end. PMS!

    3. Wow i really like your story. Very interesting. I like how you have alot of emotins in this story. Making it more real life like. Wonderful writing. Cant wait to see more. PMS

    4. Wow i really like your story. Very interesting. I like how you have alot of emotins in this story. Making it more real life like. Wonderful writing. Cant wait to see more. PMS

    5. Wow..Full of emotions…full of pain…so descriptive.Ashley has always been my favorite character…pain and insecurities hidden under false confidence and “tough chick” image….But now, I feel bad for Spencer, after being treated like crap, going through so much for someone who is somehow using her as a rock to hang on to…People don’t give her enough credit, I may be some of them, but I think she’s strong enough to slowly but surely get over Ashley…Well…anyway…PMS, I loved it!

    6. Wow..Full of emotions…full of pain…so descriptive.Ashley has always been my favorite character…pain and insecurities hidden under false confidence and “tough chick” image….But now, I feel bad for Spencer, after being treated like crap, going through so much for someone who is somehow using her as a rock to hang on to…People don’t give her enough credit, I may be some of them, but I think she’s strong enough to slowly but surely get over Ashley…Well…anyway…PMS, I loved it!

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