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    …And It Feels Like – (Chapter: What We’re Up Against: Part 1)

    "She loves you enough to leave you for her ex-boyfriend." The slipping mumbling comment writhed from the counselors lips as she jotted down more notes of Spencer’s warped personality and perception of the world, sneaking in her opinion of her digust for how niave Spencer was believing that somewhere she had a chance. "Excuse me?" Darting eyes bipped from one end of the room to the other as Spencer defied to let the comment slip into nothing. She usually didn’t ask for trouble, staying to herself conflicts would only drag out her term this summer but to have someone just rudely comment like that? "I’m sorry, just because Ashley and I- aren’t your ideal of true love doesn’t mean that we didn’t have feelings for one another. I’ve never felt that close to anyone in my life and to say- side handledly that, it was NOTHING? What gives you the authority to say that- love is only love if it’s between a man and a woman? You can’t deny how I felt with her, how I feel."

    Behind the half rimmed glasses, the Christian- the bible hugging, closed minded bigoted woman glared across at Spencer letting her anger subside for a moment as her lips pursed repeatedly wanting to lash out at the girl and rattle her for her sins and how proud she were of them. But this was a resource of rehabilitation, she was here to help her no matter how much it had hurt. "There’s no denying how you felt in the relationship Spencer, but the question of doubt lies… how much does Ashley love you? How many times will she have to choose him over you to realize that she doesn’t love you like you believe you love her. Sure, she cares for you- but it amounts nowhere near to the amount of love she has for him. In a heterosexual relationship. Spencer, you aren’t the first girl this has happened to, believe me when I say ‘I am on your side here’. To her, you are nothing more than a distraction for when she can’t have what she truely wants. Believe me when I say: when it comes between having you or him… time and time again, she will choose the boy."


    1. Ashley can’t bring herself to choose between Aiden and Spencer but she REALLY needs to. Everyone is really going to hanging in limbo until she does. I can’t wait until school starts and they all have to see each other again. Please tell me you are going to bring it all back to Spashley in the end. PMS!

    2. Ashley can’t bring herself to choose between Aiden and Spencer but she REALLY needs to. Everyone is really going to hanging in limbo until she does. I can’t wait until school starts and they all have to see each other again. Please tell me you are going to bring it all back to Spashley in the end. PMS!

    3. Wow i really like your story. Very interesting. I like how you have alot of emotins in this story. Making it more real life like. Wonderful writing. Cant wait to see more. PMS

    4. Wow i really like your story. Very interesting. I like how you have alot of emotins in this story. Making it more real life like. Wonderful writing. Cant wait to see more. PMS

    5. Wow..Full of emotions…full of pain…so descriptive.Ashley has always been my favorite character…pain and insecurities hidden under false confidence and “tough chick” image….But now, I feel bad for Spencer, after being treated like crap, going through so much for someone who is somehow using her as a rock to hang on to…People don’t give her enough credit, I may be some of them, but I think she’s strong enough to slowly but surely get over Ashley…Well…anyway…PMS, I loved it!

    6. Wow..Full of emotions…full of pain…so descriptive.Ashley has always been my favorite character…pain and insecurities hidden under false confidence and “tough chick” image….But now, I feel bad for Spencer, after being treated like crap, going through so much for someone who is somehow using her as a rock to hang on to…People don’t give her enough credit, I may be some of them, but I think she’s strong enough to slowly but surely get over Ashley…Well…anyway…PMS, I loved it!

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