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    …And It Feels Like – (Chapter: What We’re Up Against: Part 1)

    "Then what is my responsibility? Hey, can I be the God Father?" Glen wanted to claim the most notorious position first, wanting all the power or at least more than Spencer in the family since his parents already have the coveted role of grand parents. Treating the baby’s attention like some some of heirarchy, it was amazing how Glen could work his way around any machine gun and lack total sense. Seeing him now sometimes, it would’ve seemed a been move of interest to enroll Glen into common sense education than basketball camps. "Glen sweetie, I think you’re getting the conception of god father confused," Chelsea started pausing to collect herself before she laughed right in Glen’s face and she didn’t want to be rude with his peering eyes of interest looking right up at her," being a god father, it doesn’t instill this big huge power. You’re not really the God of all fathers. It’s like, a spiritual mentor outside of the family. Besides, you wouldn’t fit the religious aspect anyway."

    "What? What religious aspect?" Glen demanded, offended that he wasn’t the perfect person for any job no matter if he had actually wanted it or not. "Church, Glen? Every Sunday? I mean the God in godfather kind of gave it all away." While Glen was proud to be Catholic, there’s no way he could’ve stayed true to that obligation with today’s demands. "Yeah, right. Good point." Transitioning, Arthur came into the room carrying a box of his children’s old toys and keep sakes, finding them buried in the garage. "Thought we’d left these in storage." He announced, earlier in the summer to make room in the garage he’d cleaned out Arthur had moved some things into storage across town though he’d managed to slip over a box. "Just in case you have a daughter…" He prepped resting the aged box on the edge of the bed, opening it’s folds as he reached inside holding on Spencer’s first teddy a pink giraffe. While Arthur looked up with a smile filling the room, those who had reconized the toy sullenly looked away the awkward memory of their sister returning to them again. Ashley had devestated Spencer this summer with enough pain left over that all of them felt sharp pangs thinking about it, Paula included. As much as she hated the idea of Ashley and Spencer together she never would’ve wished this upon her daughter.


    1. Ashley can’t bring herself to choose between Aiden and Spencer but she REALLY needs to. Everyone is really going to hanging in limbo until she does. I can’t wait until school starts and they all have to see each other again. Please tell me you are going to bring it all back to Spashley in the end. PMS!

    2. Ashley can’t bring herself to choose between Aiden and Spencer but she REALLY needs to. Everyone is really going to hanging in limbo until she does. I can’t wait until school starts and they all have to see each other again. Please tell me you are going to bring it all back to Spashley in the end. PMS!

    3. Wow i really like your story. Very interesting. I like how you have alot of emotins in this story. Making it more real life like. Wonderful writing. Cant wait to see more. PMS

    4. Wow i really like your story. Very interesting. I like how you have alot of emotins in this story. Making it more real life like. Wonderful writing. Cant wait to see more. PMS

    5. Wow..Full of emotions…full of pain…so descriptive.Ashley has always been my favorite character…pain and insecurities hidden under false confidence and “tough chick” image….But now, I feel bad for Spencer, after being treated like crap, going through so much for someone who is somehow using her as a rock to hang on to…People don’t give her enough credit, I may be some of them, but I think she’s strong enough to slowly but surely get over Ashley…Well…anyway…PMS, I loved it!

    6. Wow..Full of emotions…full of pain…so descriptive.Ashley has always been my favorite character…pain and insecurities hidden under false confidence and “tough chick” image….But now, I feel bad for Spencer, after being treated like crap, going through so much for someone who is somehow using her as a rock to hang on to…People don’t give her enough credit, I may be some of them, but I think she’s strong enough to slowly but surely get over Ashley…Well…anyway…PMS, I loved it!

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