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    …And It Feels Like – (Chapter: What We’re Up Against: Part 1)

    "Well I pictured my senior year in Clevland! Learn to roll with the punches." Kyla recovered well, smiling geniunely something that she had found to leave her this summer always depressed or pissed off at Aiden and Ashley reaching out for Aiden’s hand giving it a light squeeze. Aiden could see that she still had feelings for him, and every moment just acknowledged the sickening fact that he didn’t. He even made himself try to transfer his feelings of Ashley to Kyla, but it didn’t work that way. He couldn’t just make himself love someone. Kyla was a good person, way more together than her sister was, but Ashley even in rejection and defeat he couldn’t live without her. "Yeah, roll with the punches…" He repeated, his mind on Ashley again. He’d gone through her heartbreak before, he could make it through this one. Though with the knowing fact that he wasn’t the only one hanging, it only left him that wringing chance of hope to believe.


    "I know you’re without a boyfriend and a girlfriend now but, no ones going to hate you any more if you still try to look nice." Madision spotted Ashley sitting in the same spot she had been all summer at the counter downing all the drinks she could spiking them with her own bottle before she was sent home for being obnoxious once she’d gotten drunk, sliding down into a seat beside Ashley. Immediately, Ashley looked up and saw Madision for one second before she snarled crabbing her ‘soda’ turning her back towards Madision. She wasn’t in the mood to hear her snide comments tonight. "Madision, don’t. Why don’t you just go look for your meal ticket or something." Ashley mumbled writing her off, praying that was enough to get her to leave. Her headache was enough of a problem already, she didn’t need her adding to it.

    "He’s already on his way. I’m sure you know of him, on the account of you sending his sister to gay camp and all after you dumped her for Aiden." Madision loved prying into other people’s business, epsecially when it became a distraction from her own. The Aiden/Spencer/Ashley fiasco was the talk of the town, everyone was gossiping over their love triangle this summer even if they didn’t even know them. "I didn’t break up with Spencer." Ashley defended, not even knowing why she was defending herself to Madision she didn’t have to explain to her. Madision cocked her head to the side, looking over at Ashley innocently as if she didn’t understand her reasoning twisting the knife harder into Ashley’s side. "Then what did you do Ashley?"

    "You can’t have it both ways." Madision’s voice stalled for a moment in her usual tone, grabbing Ashley to glare back up towards her before her eyes softened in defeat. As much as she hated to admit it, Madision was right. She tried, not caring how greedy she became as long as she had them both back in her life. Ashley could never bring herself to the decision of choosing one over the other, she caused enough damage. "Or nothing at all right?" Ashley blamed Madision partly for her pain, nothing Madision could say on her ‘level’ could subside the fact that Madision was enjoying all of this.


    1. Ashley can’t bring herself to choose between Aiden and Spencer but she REALLY needs to. Everyone is really going to hanging in limbo until she does. I can’t wait until school starts and they all have to see each other again. Please tell me you are going to bring it all back to Spashley in the end. PMS!

    2. Ashley can’t bring herself to choose between Aiden and Spencer but she REALLY needs to. Everyone is really going to hanging in limbo until she does. I can’t wait until school starts and they all have to see each other again. Please tell me you are going to bring it all back to Spashley in the end. PMS!

    3. Wow i really like your story. Very interesting. I like how you have alot of emotins in this story. Making it more real life like. Wonderful writing. Cant wait to see more. PMS

    4. Wow i really like your story. Very interesting. I like how you have alot of emotins in this story. Making it more real life like. Wonderful writing. Cant wait to see more. PMS

    5. Wow..Full of emotions…full of pain…so descriptive.Ashley has always been my favorite character…pain and insecurities hidden under false confidence and “tough chick” image….But now, I feel bad for Spencer, after being treated like crap, going through so much for someone who is somehow using her as a rock to hang on to…People don’t give her enough credit, I may be some of them, but I think she’s strong enough to slowly but surely get over Ashley…Well…anyway…PMS, I loved it!

    6. Wow..Full of emotions…full of pain…so descriptive.Ashley has always been my favorite character…pain and insecurities hidden under false confidence and “tough chick” image….But now, I feel bad for Spencer, after being treated like crap, going through so much for someone who is somehow using her as a rock to hang on to…People don’t give her enough credit, I may be some of them, but I think she’s strong enough to slowly but surely get over Ashley…Well…anyway…PMS, I loved it!

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