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    Avoiding Coincidence – (Chapter: Can necessity qualify as romantic?)

    “Now you want to talk, Spencer?! What makes you think you have the right to say something like that to me?”

    Spencer was confused, partially because of the Patrón, but mostly because Ashley wasn’t making any sense. Her confusion was evident in her face.

    “I’m not your girlfriend, Spencer. You made sure of that. So, you can’t come here and mess with my emotions and make me feel bad for having a good time. I’m sick of this emotional back-and-forth. It doesn’t get us anywhere. I’m done.”

    With that, Ashley walked inside and left Spencer in a confusion that was far from alcohol-induced.



    “And then she said I couldn’t keep fucking with her emotions. And then she left me outside by myself. So, I figured I could sit out there by myself until my brother finishes sexing up whoever he found for the evening, or I could come in here and forget all this everrrrrrrrrrr happened. Oh, the power of alcohol!”

    The guy next to Spencer had long since passed out, but her current level of inebriation left Spencer far from able to comprehend or care about what was going on around her.

    “And it’s like she’s so resentful. I mean she was practically having sex with that blonde skank right in front of me!”

    Spencer poured another shot of vodka. That made three shots, two beers, and almost half a bottle of tequila. Yeah, she was beyond plastered.

    “I don’t want to care. I mean I don’t even care. She cheated on me.” She paused to down the shot of vodka. “I’m over her. I broke up with her. She treated me like shit. Worse than that, she treated me like… like… crap.”

    Spencer congratulated herself on her eloquence. Unfortunately, she was a bit overzealous in her congratulations. Soon, she found herself falling off the kitchen stool. She remained with her eyes closed on the kitchen floor.


             Ashley pulled her shirt back on. She tried to think back to whether she had been wearing a bra earlier in the evening. She finally decided that she hadn’t been. Bridget (the blonde) was still asleep on the bed. Normally, Ashley liked to try and sleep as much alcohol as possible off before she left a party, but she figured she had sweat enough of it out. Plus, she didn’t want Bridget to get the wrong idea. This was fun, but this was it. One-nighters were uncomplicated, or at least they were meant to be. Ashley always tried to avoid potential complications, especially the morning after.

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    1. I hope that you weren’t serious about putting down your pen, because I’m already hooked and it would be disapointing if you gave up on this. In other words please continue.

    2. I hope that you weren’t serious about putting down your pen, because I’m already hooked and it would be disapointing if you gave up on this. In other words please continue.

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