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    Avoiding Coincidence – (Chapter: Can necessity qualify as romantic?)


             Ashley was not quite sober. The alcohol was still making her a bit loopy, but she figured she could sleep the last of it off in her car before she drove home. The house was quiet now. The majority of the revelers had staggered home. Of course, a few still remained. God, there must have been a good 20 people passed out. Ashley guessed that the party must have gotten much wilder after she went upstairs. Hell, some girl was even passed out on the kitchen floor. Some blonde girl in a brown top. Ashley kept walking. Wait, wasn’t Spencer wearing a brown top? No, it couldn’t have been her. She walked back anyway.

    “Shit,” Ashley said kneeling next to the girl. The kitchen stool was still on its side next to Spencer.



    Ashley dabbed at Spencer’s face with a wet paper towel, “Spencer, wake up.” Still no response. Ashley was beginning to get really worried. She knew that Spencer was breathing, but her lack of responsiveness was frightening. Just as visions of every bad PSA Ashley had ever seen began to overwhelm her, Spencer started to stir.


    Spencer’s head hurt from the fall. Well, to be honest, everything hurt, but the most severe was her head. “Christ, they weren’t kidding when they called this hard wood flooring,” she mumbled. She opened her eyes to a very worried Ashley and an overpowering wave of nausea. She quickly shut her eyes. Bad move, Spencer. It was already too late.

    She managed to get out one word, “Bathroom!”

    Ashley grabbed the struggling Spencer and rushed her to the bathroom. Surprisingly, she made it to the toilet before the alcohol forced its way out of her system.


                Twenty minutes and many dry heaves later, Spencer looked up from the toilet bowl. Ashley stood at the ready with another wet paper towel. Spencer took the offering and attempted a thankful smile. She wiped her face and checked to make sure there had been no damage to her clothing. “Man, my shirt!” Spencer examined the stain for a minute. She only saw one option: the shirt had to come off. As she pulled her t-shirt over her head, she applauded herself on her great problem-solving skills.

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    1. I hope that you weren’t serious about putting down your pen, because I’m already hooked and it would be disapointing if you gave up on this. In other words please continue.

    2. I hope that you weren’t serious about putting down your pen, because I’m already hooked and it would be disapointing if you gave up on this. In other words please continue.

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