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    Avoiding Coincidence – (Chapter: Can necessity qualify as romantic?)


                Ashley was no longer in the doorway. Spencer figured that she had left, but was too tired to care. She put her head down on the bath mat and closed her eyes.


                Ashley hadn’t found Spencer’s purse anywhere in the house. After looking for at least half an hour, she returned to the bathroom to find a half-naked Spencer sprawled out on the bathroom floor. Her initial shock was almost immediately replaced by frustration.


    “Spencer, come on! Where is your purse? I need to call Glenn and figure out how you’re getting home,” Ashley tried to rouse the girl.

    “I didn’t bring a purse,” Spencer replied sleepily, briefly opening her eyes.

    “So, it’s in your pocket?”

    Ashley waited for a response, or a nod, or a gesture. Nothing. She really didn’t want to have to reach into Spencer’s pockets.

    “Spencer, give me your cell phone.”

    “I don’t… It’s…I’m so…” Spencer babbled, her eyes remaining closed.

    Ashley realized that she was out of options. Bridget would be waking up soon. She needed to get out of here. She patted Spencer’s front pockets. Nope, nothing in those. Left back? Nope. Right back? Eureka! Ashley slipped her hand into Spencer’s pocket and retrieved her cell phone.

    She scrolled through the phonebook. She wondered aloud, “Who the hell is Carmen?” Focus. She scrolled to Glenn’s number and pressed the call button.

                Ring. Ring. Ring. “Goddammit Glen!” Ring.

    “Hello,” he sounded groggy. “Spence, where are you?”

    “Well, she could be dead in a ditch, for all you know.”

    “Ashley? Why are you calling me at five in the morning from Spencer’s phone?”

    She didn’t feel like answering his questions. “Why did you leave Spencer passed out on the kitchen floor at a stranger’s house?”

    “What? I thought she went home with someone else. No one had seen her. I asked around. I figured she had met somebody.” Just to aggravate Ashley, he added, “You know, a nice guy, or something.”

    It stung a bit, but she continued, “Well, you need to come get her. She’s passed out on the bathroom floor right now.”

    “I can’t sneak out of the house! I already had enough trouble sneaking in without getting caught. Can’t you just drop her off on the way back to your place?”

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    1. I hope that you weren’t serious about putting down your pen, because I’m already hooked and it would be disapointing if you gave up on this. In other words please continue.

    2. I hope that you weren’t serious about putting down your pen, because I’m already hooked and it would be disapointing if you gave up on this. In other words please continue.

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