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    Backwards! – (Chapter: 21 Resolving Issues)

    "Shh…baby…I get the idea…he raped you didn’t he baby…" Ashley broke down and began sobbing even harder into Spencer’s shoulder. Spencer couldn’t stand it when someone hurt her love and soon she found tears of fury flowing from her eyes, "Ashley I have to go…"

    "But Spencer where…wait!!" her cry went unnoticed however because the blonde’s hair soon whipped out of sight. Damn…she moves fast for a cripple.


    Spencer, panting, made it to her car getting in and pulling out as fast as her broken body could manage. Her arm fully healded was still a bit sore and she shouldn’t be driving but she figured no doctor was going to hold her back. Besides driving it made her feel less…helpless. When she showed up at the dark building she took a deep breath before venturing out of her car again. She entered the huge building. When she approached the window she was amazed at how dirty it was. Some of the people in here don’t deserve this…

    "Can I help you?" the man in the window asked in a gruff Brooklyn accent.

    "Yeah, I’m here to visit someone…" as she told him the name she just managed to stop the vile from leaving her mouth. Just saying that name makes me sick… A police officer soon arrived to escort me to his cell. I couldn’t help but stare at his fellow prisoners.  They all look so..sad…

    "David Collins…"


    "You have a visitor…?"

    "Oh?" the grey-eyed boy said a hint of surprise in his voice. Spencer approached his cell willing herself to remain calm as long as the cop was still standing there. As soon as he left the room her temper flared again. She banged her crutch loudly against the bars to the entrance to his cell causing him to jump backwards.

    "Look," she hissed at him, "you are going to to stay the fuck away from my girlfriend. You got that? Do whatever the hell you want to me but ly one finger on her and you’ll ish you wre back in this place…" David looked a little shaken for a second but quickly regained his composure.

    "Hey blondie I don’t give a shit about what you think…"

    "Well than you better start," Spencer cut him off and then turned and stalked away. On her way out several of the prisoners whistled causing Spencer to cringe in disgust imagining how long it had been since some of them had seen a clean lady. As she left she turned back to look at the almost devilish prision and sighed not wanting to think about spending the rest of her life in a place like that. I would do it for Ashley… She sighed. Getting into her car was to usual hassle but as soon as Spencer was back on the road all her troubles seemed to blow away in the wind.

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