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    Backwards! – (Chapter: 21 Resolving Issues)


    Madison stroked the younger boy’s hair looking at him with true sadness and pity in her eyes. How did such a cute little boy end up with such a shitty life…? She was jerked out of her thoughts as a door was rudely slammed inside her house. Carefully she exited the bedroom and walked down the staircase to her front door. Standing there looking very disgruntled was Rowan.

    "Rowan before you say anything I want you to walk forward…"


    "Just do it please!" Rowan looked confused but obeyed the brunette; Madison sighed as she wathced him walk in a straight line, "okay now we can talk… like civilized people…" Rowan laughed.

    "Yeah look Maddy I am so sor…"

    "Before you apologize to me you should really apologize to your little brother…he dosen’t deserve what you put him through…"

    "I know…I know I fell awful…Where is he?"

    "Upstairs in our guest room…"

    "Can I…can I see him please?"

    "Seeing as you’re sober, yes, yes you can," Madison agreed not ready to forgive Rowan but willing to give Rowan a second chance with his little brother. The only true family he had left. Rowan sighed and began walking up the stairs, madison close on his heels. He knocked gently on the door and entered after a little voice said he could.


    "ROWAN!" Sam yelled and jumped into his older brothers arms, "I mithed you!" Rowan chuckled but Madison could see the tears forming in his eyes. Madison’s smile grew. Rowan pulled back and place Sam back on the bedroom floor.

    "I missed you too bud…I…I’m sorry…for not being there for you…for being a jerk…"

    "I’th okay brother, older people tend to get thtupider!" Rowan laughed even harder.

    "Yeah we do huh…" he continued to hug Sam not ready to let go yet. He looked over at Madison hoping that she could see all his thanks in his eyes, Rowan pulled back from Sam.

    "Hey Sammy I have to talk with Auntie Madison okay?"

    "All right Rowan! I’ll make you a picture while I’m waiting for you to take me home…cauthe Rowan…I really want to go home…" Rowan smiled and this time he couldn’t stop the tears from coming out of his eyes. Sam frowned and stepped over to his brother who was now kneeling on the floor. The tiny blonde reached out and wiped one of the tears out of Rowan’s eyes.

    "Me too bud…me too…" Madison touched Rowan’s arm signaling to him that they needed to leave and go talk.

    "We’ll be back Sam!" she informed the toddler before bringing her and a crying Rowan down the stairs preparing herself for the hurtful conversation that was sure to come soon, She just hoped that it would make things better rather than worse.

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