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    Backwards! – (Chapter: 22 Unwanted Guest)

    Ring Ring Ring

    "Hello?" Ashley heard the familiar voice float through the recieving end of her phone.



    "The one and only…" Ashley said moving the conversation to more than just one word, "look I’m at the hospital would you mind terribly picking me up again?"

    "What? The hospital!? Are you okay?!" Ashley smiled when she heard the concern in her younger sister’s voice.

    "Yeah…I’m fine I’ll explain when you get here ‘kay?"

    "All right sure. I’ll be there in a few minutes, sit tight…"

    "Thanks Ky," Ashley said appreciatevly and could almost feel the raven-haired girl’s smile through the phone when she used her old nickname.

    "Yeah well you’re gonna owe me!" Kyla said but the older brunette could tell that she was joking, she laughed.

    "Yeah, yeah. Just get here already!" Kyla hung up and Ashley just stood there preparing herself for the wait. She didn’t have to wait long, however, because soon a now familiar car drove up to stop in front of her and the driver told her to hop in and "make it snappy". Kyla was about to drive off when she looked over at her sister in the passenger side. She coughed annoyedly.

    "What?" Ashley asked confused.

    "Seatbelt!" the brunette sighed in annoyance and began to buckle herself in.

    "Hey, you just came from the hospital and I don’t want you back there anytime soon, because then I would have to drive all the way here to pick you up again!" Ashley laughed and Kyla stepped on the gas petal.

    "So…" Kyla said trying o think of a way to break the awkward silence that had fallen in the car, "When is your graduation?"

    "In a couple of weeks…I can’t wait to get out of that hell hole!" she said with sincerity, Kyla laughed.

    "Well I’m definetely gonna be there…"  Kyla said meaning it with all of her heart. She had spent to much time letting the brunette beside her down and she was not about to do it again.

    "Thanks," Ashley whispered and the two shared a meaningful glance.


    Spencer stepped to admire her handy work and she had to admit it was pretty damn good. She had done it all herself, well with the help of Ashley’s mother of course. The blonde chuckled to herself as she imagined trying to break into the Davies house and set all of this up without the elder Davies knowing. It would have been quite a challenge…now let’s see…yep everything is set! Sweet! Now all I have to do is…wait.. Spencer plopped herself down in the nearest chair before a voice called to her from the floor below.

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