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    Backwards! – (Chapter: 22 Unwanted Guest)

    "Spencer?" it yelled to her in a kind voice.


    "Would you like sometihng to eat?" Ah the kindness continues! Spencer thought for a moment but soon her stomach decided for her as it growled loudly.

    "That would be great Mrs. Davies! I’ll be right down!" she headed for the door but turned around to look once more at the room before heading down to the Davies’s kitchen and the promise of food.


    Ashley sat at the bar at Gray’s, very dissapointed that she hadn’t been able to reach her girlfriend she was now drinking wallowing in her self pity. She had told Kyla to drop her off at Gray’s  hoping that maybe her girlfriend would show up at the familiar hangout. Unfortuanately, the blonde hadn’t and now Ashley was throwing down her seventh drink of the night more than tipsy. The bartended noticed the brunette’s state and refused to serve Ashley a eight drink. He caved after the brunette gave him a look that could kill. She recieved her eight drink spinning her finger around the rim of the glass she observed the couples dancing on the dance floor.  Look at all of them…dancing withtheir significant other… Ashley scoffed and took a deep gulp from her now half empty glass. She turned back around so that she was facing the bar. Soon, there was a war feeling tingling at the bottom of her neck. She loved the feeling of the warmth and put her arms around the head of whoever it was now sucking on her neck. She moaned not knowing who the stranger was, and honestly she was way to drunk to care. She just wanted to feel…wanted. She turned aroung on her stool and kissed the random girl hard on the mouth sucking hard ont he other girl’s tongue.

    "You wannago back to my place?" Ashley tried to whisper into the stranger’s ear. 

    "Hell yes!" as soon as Ashley heard the enthusiastic repy she drunkenly grabbed the girls hand and exited the club. When they got to the parking lot the other girl asked for the brunette’s keys.

    "No!" the brunette yelled, "I want to drive…"

    "But if you die, than who will I have to fuck?" the girl replied smoothly. Ashley thought about it and agreed with this girl’s logic. Soon the pair were pulling into Ashley’s driveway. Ashley fumbled with the keys to her house distracted as the other girl’s hands were now roaming all over her body and her lips seemed glued to Ashley’s neck. Ashley finally managed to get through the door and she accidentally slammed it shut behind her giggling at the loud noise.


    Spencer sighed as she heard the front door slam shut. It’s about fucking time! It was nearing 1am and Ashley’s mother had polietly told Spencer that she was going to head to bed and that the blonde was welcome to stay if she wished. The blonde looked aroung the room one more time making sure everything was set. Here we go… she subconsiously rubbed the small box in her jean pocket.


    Ashley giggled very loudly as she and the girl she had brought home stumbled up the stairs. Multi-tasking as they were kissing and trying to travel up the stairs at the same time. She quicky found the door to her bedroom and swung it open, enering it backwards her mouth glued to the other girl’s. She removed her mouth from the strangers and turned around. Her jaw hit the floor. There surronded by what seemed like millions of candles and pools of flowers stood


    "Spencer…?" Ashley whispered taking in a deep breath as she looked aroung the spinning room the light of the candle flames glistening in her girlfriend’s slowly filling eyes. The blonde reached up and furiously wiped away the tears forming at her eyes. Her sadness being replaced by pure anger.

    "Yeah…it’s me surprised?!" she practically spit at the stunned brunette. She walked over to the girl Ashley  was with and placed herself very close to the stranger’s face. "Hey slut!" she yelled, "what the fuck are you doing?!" She pulled up a hand and slapped her hard across the face causing the girl to yell. As she stood there quietly crying into her hands Spencer moved on to Ashley. Once again she moved very close to the brunette’s face, using all her will power not to start sobbing, Spencer made it look as though she was going to kiss Ashley. At the last second she diverted her head so it was right next to her ear and whispered venomously into it, "and you-you deserve her," she pulled back and slapped the brunette with such force that she actually staggered backwards. Spencer glowered at her before picking up her purse and storming out of the house. 

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