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    Backwards! – (Chapter: 24)

        "I understand…but…why did she do that to me?"

        "Because she’s a heart breaker… and apparently," he let out a low whistle, "I have become one too first yours then Madison’s…I need to be there for you, you know Spencer," he lifted her head craddling her head in his hands, "I am going to be here with you no…matter…what…"

        The two sat there enjoying being in each others company again.

        "I missed you Rowan…" Spencer whispered.

        "Me too Spence…me too…" 


    Ashley sat on her bed her  head leaning onto the back of the bed board. She hadn’t left her room yet today and she was beginning to wonder if she ever would. She hadn’t seen her mother since the…incident. Great job Ashley…great fucking job! You’ve managed to loose everyone that you care about… tears fell down her face for the not the first itme that day. She had not extinguished the candles or moved the flower petals. Maybe if I don’t touch anything Spencer will just reappear and…and everything would go back… back to the way it was before I fucked it up…I need to get the hell out of here! Ashley grabbed her car keys and headed to the only place she knew she was safe, the beach.

        When AShley reached the beach the familiar sound of waves crashed in her ears and she stepped out of the car heading towards the pier. She hesitated as she saw two figures already there huddled together in the moonlight. Shit… come on Ashley be brave for once in your fucking life! She took a deep breath and walked toward the pair. 

        Rowan who was sitting facing the ocean spotted the figure first and immediately tensed. His whole body went rigid. Spencer gelt this and she looked up at him question in her eyes. All he did was continue to stare and Spencer followed his eyes. She took in a sharp breath. Ashley. She made to stand up but Rowan stood first and pulled Spencer up placing her beside him his fists clenched and rage glinting in his eyes. How could she do this to Spencer? The first good thing to come into her life… The girl halted her pace and stared almost frightened at the tall blonde before her.

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