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    Backwards! – (Chapter: 24)


        "Ashley you have no place here. You’re best bet is to turn around a walk away…fast," he added as an after thought his hand squeezed Spencer’s tightly trying to reassure her. Ashley just stared.

        "Rowan I need to talk to Spencer."

        "I don’t really care what you need Ashley," Rowan hissed determined to not let his friend down again. Tears began to form in the brunette’s eyes and Spencer felt a pang of guilt. She couldn’t stand it when Ashley cried. She tried to move forward but Rowan held her back and said quite loudly making sure that AShley could here him, "You can’t just go running back to her it’s what she wants…" Spencer tried to force her was past Rowan but he stood his ground. I’m not going to let that cheat ruin Spencer’s life! Spencer resigned figuring she could always talk to Ashley later without the protective blonde beside her. Ashley noticed Spencer trying to get back to her and felt a surge of hope rise in her chest. I don’t desrve her…

        "All right fine I’ll leave but you can’t keep me from her Rowan," she spat, "I love her too much…"

        "Yeah? Watch me and you should have thought of that before you started face fucking another girl now GO!" Spencer was taken aback not sure if she had ever heard Rowan curse before. It seemed impossible that such a sweet boy culd be capable of such a thing and yet there it was slipping like slime from his mouth. Ashley gave one last glance back at Spencer before making her way back to her car.


        Ashley sighed and signed on to her computer. She was going to at least pretend that she was doing homework though in reality all of her thoughts remained on that blonde beauty. Her heart started to race as she saw a familiar screen name on her buddy list.

        CheerDavies: Spencer…heyy

        OhioGrL: Hey Ashley… look we really have to talk…

        CheerDavies: Mind talking wihtout your watchdog around?

        OhioGrL: Yea he was a bit harsh but he was only trying to protect me so…

        CheerDavies: No I deserved it…I’ll be there in a sec…

        Spencer saw Ashley’s away message go up and she sighed and leaned back in ehr chair waiting for the doorbell to ring. The box still sticking out prominently in her left pocket… 

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