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    Backwards! – (Chapter: Almost Perfect Night Out)

    "Anyway about the dance we really don’t have to go if you’re not feeling up to it…"

    "No," Spencer stated simply, "definitely not! This is our night out!" He hardly ever gets out. With his brother and everything… I’m going to make this night fun… for him.

    "Great! There is this great after party too…at some jock’s house."

    "Hey aren’t you a jock?" Spencer teased playfully punching him.

    "Yes, but I am one of the smart ones!" the blonde boy snapped.

    "Okay!" Spencer said holding her hands up defensively, "Whatever helps you sleep at night…" They both laughed and Rowan sped off down the highway.

    THe dance was as Spencer expected, boring, but Rowan seemed to enjoy himself. Spencer had held a smile on her face for him. Now, as they sped off from the dance to the after party Spencer was wondering why there was an after party for a… party? Spencer chuckled at her thoughts.

    "What’s funny?"

    "Nothing I just had a lot of fun that’s all," she lied.

    "That’s great! Wow…" Rowan whistled, "take a look at this place." They had pulled up to the so called "after" party. Spencer had to admit the house was impressive. The building had a monolithic design. Huge archways, stone walls, the works.

    "Eh, it’s okay…"

    "Oh please! You know you’re impressed!"

    "OKay…so what if I am?" Spencer said smiling. THey both laughed, stepped out of the car and into the huge building. Spencer immediately felt smaller. The room was huge and packed with people. Wow is it just me or is the music pulsing? Spencer looked up and found Rowan beaming with pleasure.

    "You really dig this stuff, huh?" Spencer asked.

    "What? Oh yeah! Yeah I really do. When I’m at parties I feel…I dunno normal…" Rowan yelled back, "You wanna dance?"


    Rowan pulled Spencer out on the dance floor. Spencer laughed as Rowan started to disco. She soon found tears in her eyes she was laughing so hard. Soon she was dancing just as foolishly. They must have looked so ridiculous but Spencer didn’t care. She was having fun for once and during that time not a single thought of her mother crossed her her mind. She could feel people staring at her but she just kept dancing with Rowan. All of a sudden he stopped. Spencer looked at him quizzically and then looked around to see what caused him to stop. Her eyes soon fell on the problem. Rowan quickly pulled her out of the crowd and toward the back of the room. Spencer waited till they arrived at the corner before speaking.

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    1. hey ive been following your story ( and others lol) just been a lurker for awhile…but i just had to say AWESOME job! i love how they havent just jumped into stuff, and how you are developing the friendship between spencer and rowan. Its totally great!!! keep it up and keep it this long :P

    2. hey ive been following your story ( and others lol) just been a lurker for awhile…but i just had to say AWESOME job! i love how they havent just jumped into stuff, and how you are developing the friendship between spencer and rowan. Its totally great!!! keep it up and keep it this long :P

    3. u tease… im telling ur mother. nope can’t tlk me out of it…im doing it…look at me go *walks away from the computer and to ur house to tell ur mum*POST MORE SOOM…yea watch me go…i cant even spell. oh well.

    4. u tease… im telling ur mother. nope can’t tlk me out of it…im doing it…look at me go *walks away from the computer and to ur house to tell ur mum*POST MORE SOOM…yea watch me go…i cant even spell. oh well.

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