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    Backwards! – (Chapter: Almost Perfect Night Out)

    "What is up with her? Why does she make you act that way? I need to know Rowan!"

    "Spencer she…"

    "Hey Rowan…" a strange voice spoke quietly from behind Spencer. She quickly spun around and found herself face to face with one of the most gorgeous girls she had ever seen. She scanned the brunette up and down. She was hot! Jer brunette curls cascaded down her head framing her face, her amber eyes glistened, and her curves made Spencer’s eyes water.

    "Hey Ashely…"

    "Look Rowan…"

    "Have you met Spencer? Spencer this is Ashely…Ashley this is Spencer."

    "Hi," Spencer stuck her hand out for Ashely to shake. Ashely looked at the hand for awhile before looking back up at Rowan.

    "Rowan we really need to talk…I hate the awkwardness between us…"

    "Really? What do you want from me Ashely? Am I supposed to be happy? After you grabbed my heart and ripped it in two I’m supposed to be HAPPY?!?" Rowan yelled.

    "Rowan… I’m sorry I hurt you… I was drunk and…" Rowan cut in.

    "I don’t want ot hear it Ashely!"

    "Rowan! Look if…" Spencer stepped in between Rowan and the brunette.

    "Hey maybe you should leave now."

    "Don’t tell me what to do okay? I really need to talk to Rowan!"

    "Well he obviously dosen’t want to talk to you! So just back the fuck off!" Spencer was getting really annoyed now. This girl was ruining her perfect night and clearly upsets Rowan.

    "New girl you need to stay out of this you have no idea what your talking about!"

    "The name is Spencer," at this Spencer grabbed Ashely’s arm and instantly felt an electric shock. Ashely obviously felt it too because she jumped. Spencer immediately dropped the arm and tried to look unaffected but her voice came out shaky, "and anything to do with Rowan has to do with me."

    The girl looked from Spencer to Rowan and then back before wheeling around and marching off. Spencer let out a deep sigh of relief and turned to Rowan. As soon as she turned around she was engulfed by a hug from the older boy.

    "Thank you…no one has ever stood up for me before…"

    Spencer hugged back, "I’m always gonna be here for you…" They stood there for awhile unaware of their surroundings. I can’t believe I’ve known Rowan for only a month…we’re so close. he’s a real brother…he reminds me of Clay… With the thought of her brother tears once again came to Spencer’s eyes and she quickly removed them as Rowan pulled away.

    "Rowan…you need to tell me…what happened between you and Ashely," the name rolled off Spencer’s tongue…it felt so right saying her name.

    "I know. I know and I’m gonna tell you on the ride home let’s go…"

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    1. hey ive been following your story ( and others lol) just been a lurker for awhile…but i just had to say AWESOME job! i love how they havent just jumped into stuff, and how you are developing the friendship between spencer and rowan. Its totally great!!! keep it up and keep it this long :P

    2. hey ive been following your story ( and others lol) just been a lurker for awhile…but i just had to say AWESOME job! i love how they havent just jumped into stuff, and how you are developing the friendship between spencer and rowan. Its totally great!!! keep it up and keep it this long :P

    3. u tease… im telling ur mother. nope can’t tlk me out of it…im doing it…look at me go *walks away from the computer and to ur house to tell ur mum*POST MORE SOOM…yea watch me go…i cant even spell. oh well.

    4. u tease… im telling ur mother. nope can’t tlk me out of it…im doing it…look at me go *walks away from the computer and to ur house to tell ur mum*POST MORE SOOM…yea watch me go…i cant even spell. oh well.

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