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    Backwards! – (Chapter: Breaking Down Walls)

    “Nice is such an understatement!”

    Aiden began cracking up, “Just get in the car cripple,” Spencer scowled and got into the car.

    “Okay Spence! First thing’s first! You need ALCOHOL!” Spencer laughed and quickly nodded her head in agreement. Aiden pulled out a bottle of vodka from the back seat. Spencer took it from him with a moan of longing. Aiden smiled, yep she’s still good ole’ Spencer…just a little…cut up…

    “So where do you want to go?”

    “Oh my God! Can we go see that new movie you know the one with Johnny Depp and…”

    “Pirates of the Caribbean 2?”

    “YES! I’ve wanted to see it ever since I saw the commercial on my hospital TV!”

    “Spencer let’s not talk about your hospital days because those my friend are OVER!” he laughed, “but sure let’s go see that movie!” Spencer yelled again and Aiden floored the gas petal wanting Spencer to feel as much happiness as possible.

    The movie was dark and Spencer cringed as she watched girl and boy make out. That’s sad they are missing a perfectly good movie…She heard the pair whispering behind her.

    “Yea their relationship must be bad! I mean they are at the movies together and they haven’t even touched each other…but I hear they hang out with each other A LOT at school…” Spencer laughed even though it was a very sad part of the movie. Everyone seemed to stare at her. Even the blonde and red head in front of them un-glued their lips to stare. Aiden looked surprisingly at her.

    “Spence…no offense but that was not a part people usually laugh at…” Spencer looked at him.

    “Did you hear them behind us?”


    “Well apparently at school we are the most talked about couple!” Aiden laughed too and shushes came soaring at them from the other watchers. Wow apparently there are actual people beside us who are watching the movie… She quieted down her laughter by placing a hand over her lips.

    Aiden got up and exited the theatre Spencer knew why. She slowly got up adjusted her crutches and limped after him. As soon as the pair got into the lobby they burst out in uncontrollable laughter.

    “That…is…the…funniest thing…I’ve ever heard!” Aiden stuttered through his mirth. He was bent double holding his sides, “Whew!” He wiped his eyes and looked at Spencer, “so you wanna get out of here?”

    “Yea definitely!” They left the theatre still laughing. Aiden helped Spencer get into the car. He watched as she bit back the pain, taking it out on her bottom lip. As they began driving away he watched Spencer brush her hand against her lips.

    “Everything okay blondie?”

    “Yea…my lip is bleeding…” Aiden sighed knowing that Spencer had to be in a lot of pain to bite her lip so hard that it bled. She really needs Ashley right now…where is that girl…? He looked over at Spencer again only to find tears dripping slowly down her cheeks.

    “Spencer?!” She began sobbing uncontrollably. Aiden pulled the car over and embraced his friend. She continued sobbing into his shoulder. It was about time that those walls fell down…Aiden thought and stroked Spencer’s hair. He didn’t know how long they just sat there but he didn’t mind as long as Spencer finally was able to rid herself of the emotion. He knew that the beating had affected her even though she had pretended like it didn’t.

    “Aiden…it’s so unfair…why do they hate us so much?” Spencer said still sobbing.

    Aiden tried to calm her down, “Spencer…shh…it’s just ignorance…people cant stand it when someone is different…” Spencer clutched onto Aiden’s back pools streaming from her eyes. Spencer was exhausted and she felt so safe in Aiden’s arms. It wouldn’t hurt just to…her thoughts ended as she drifted to sleep. Aiden felt Spencer begin to lose conciseness. You act all tough Spencer Carlin…but I know that deep down you need people to take care of you. Aiden gently put Spencer back into her seat and sped off heading towards…well he didn’t really know where.

    “Hello Ashley…” Could she be any creepier?! Let’s get this over with…you can do it Ashley… for Spencer…

    “Hello Paula…”

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