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    Backwards! – (Chapter: Confessions)

    “They are really cute together.”

    “Not…as…cute…as…you,” Derek stated and leaned in to begin kissing his boyfriend again.

    “I…knew…you…would,” Ashley moved down to Spencer’s collarbone and stroked her thighs. She trailed her hand upward until she was inches away from Spencer’s heat. She slipped her hand under and…

    “Hey Spencer!” Ashley pulled back and Spencer groaned in disappointment. She opened her closed eyes to see who had stopped her pleasure. She saw Madison standing in front of her.

    “Oh Shit!” Spencer mumbled as she looked at Madison, “Madison I…”

    “Don’t worry I wont tell Rowan…when you’re ready to get bitched at then I will tell him,” she said smiling to assure them she was joking. She knew all about Ashley and what she had put her crush Rowan through. She also could tell how much Spencer liked Ashley and how much Ashley liked Spencer. She would keep quiet…for now.

    “What time is it?”

    Madison looked at her watch, “two…thirty…school has been out for an hour. You might want to get her,” she jerked her thumb over her shoulder at Ashley; just because she had agreed not to tell didn’t mean she had to like the brunette, “home.”

    “Yeah. You’re right…I…I’ll talk to you later Maddy.”

    “Okay, Spence,” and with that she turned on her heels and walked away.

    “Do…Do you realize that… I am betraying the first person who ever truly cared about me?”

    “I know Spencer…but I care about you…”

    “I get that okay but…”

    Ashley cut her off, “let me rephrase that…I don’t care about you…” Spencer stared at Ashley, “I don’t just care about you…I…I love you…” Spencer continued to stare the words filtering through her head. It took them a moment before it hit; a moment to late, “I…I understand if you don’t…goodbye Spence,” Ashley stepped out of the car and began running to her doorstep. Spencer just sat there basking in the warmth of her words…Ashley loves me…and I love her to! YES! That’s great…but wait…did I tell her…OH SHIT! Spencer leapt out of the car.

    “Ashley wait!” She ran up to the doorstep where Ashley was standing tears running down her face Spencer cupped Ashley’s face in her hands, “I love you too Ashley Davies…” Spencer leaned in and kissed Ashley running her tongue along the brunette’s bottom lip. Ashley pulled back and looked into the azure eyes she could get lost in.

    “Spen…Spencer come in…please,” Spencer could hear the longing in Ashley’s voice.

    “I would love to baby…but isn’t your mom home?”

    “I don’t care,” Ashley leaned in and kissed Spencer hard.

    “But I do…you’re not ready to come out or,” she winked, “get caught…can you come over my house after school tomorrow? We need to talk about…stuff.” Ashley sighed with relief inside her girlfriend was right she was not sure she was ready yet.

    “Of course…tomorrow…”

    “Great,” Spencer kissed her again, See you tomorrow…I love you Ashley Davies.”

    “I love you to Spencer Carlin.”

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