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    Backwards! – (Chapter: Heaven)

    "I dunno… who knows what vile concoction you and my mother could have created," Ashely quibbed.

    "Dear, Spencer here is the best cook! You must try this!" Ashely laughed at how quickly Spencer had charmed her mother.

    "Okay, okay but if I die from some weird parasite I am so blaming you!"

    "You’re such a dork," Spencer teased.

    After breakfast Spencer and Ashely were in Spencer’s Porshe on the way to school laughing at the morning’s events.

    "Did…did you see my mother’s face when…when you said you’ve never been to church before?" Ashely stuttered barely able to spit out the words she was laughing so hard, "priceless!"

    "I know, I know… that was the best breakfast I have ever had in my life!"

    "Well I have to admit my mother was right you are an amazing cook!" Ashely accidentally rested her hand on Spencer’s. She looked into the ocean blue orbs and felt her desire for the blonde burning. Spencer pulled off onto the side of the road. Before she had even come to a complete stop Ashley had reached over and leaned into Spencer’s lips. The kiss became more passionate and hands began to roam. Eventually Ashely had to resurface for air.


    "Are you sure you’re okay with…you know us?" Ashley leaned over and brushed her lips against Spencer’s.

    "Positive…it’s just can we keep on the down low until I’m ready?"

    "Of course baby whatever you want," they leaned in again but had to stop with the arrival of Spencer’s ring tone.

    "Fuck!" Spencer reached in her pocket and answered her phone, "hello?" she asked not even trying to hide the annoyance in her voice.

    "Hey Spencer! It’s Rowan! How are you? I didn’t hear from you at all last night. I called your house but your dad said you where sleeping over a friends house but he didn’t say whose…" Props to Dad… Spencer felt the guilt rise in her throat remembering how she was betraying her one true friend.

    "Yeah… I was over… Madison’s," Spencer lied and instantly felt horrible, "look I have to get to school I can’t be late again or I’ll get suspended. I’ll see you there," Spencer hung up her phone and just stared at it for awhile before Ashely found the courage to speak.

    "Spence…I’m sorry…"

    "No Ashely…I…I’m with you now and at some point Rowan is going to have to accept that I just…I’m not ready to tell him yet…"

    "I understand babe," the brunette leaned over and kissed her…well what is she to me? Ashely pulled away and looked at Spencer, "so what is our you know…status?"

    "Well…I’d really like you to be my…girlfriend…"

    "Spencer I would love to be your girlfriend!" Spencer’s face lit up with a glowing smile that was addicting and Ashely soon found herself smiling too. Spencer started up the car and the new couple drove off to school.

    When they arrived at school Spencer stepped out of the car and breathed in the polluted air that is Los Angeles. She turned around to say goodbye to Ashely but before she could completely two arms wrapped around her stomach. She turned around to face the brunette, "Ashley it’s okay if…" the petite girl cut her off by kissing her right there in their high school parking lot. Spencer pulled away breathless and whispered, "what happened to down low?"

    "Some things ‘down low’ made me change my mind," she whispered back into Spencer’s ear before sauntering away. Spencer couldn’t help but stare after the brunette. God I love her!

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    1. I think tis might come to bite Spencer in the butt. I like Spashley and all but I have a terrible feeling in the pit of my stomach. Please don’t hurt them or make them feel sad. Please? Love, and be kind playa, no need to spread the hate, start handing out the love. And Rowan . . . I feel sorry for the guy. I wonder how he is going to handle it. I hope he does it gracefully but I mean, how would you feel if your best friend hooked up with your ex-love/ex-girlfriend. :] poor guy!

    2. I think tis might come to bite Spencer in the butt. I like Spashley and all but I have a terrible feeling in the pit of my stomach. Please don’t hurt them or make them feel sad. Please? Love, and be kind playa, no need to spread the hate, start handing out the love. And Rowan . . . I feel sorry for the guy. I wonder how he is going to handle it. I hope he does it gracefully but I mean, how would you feel if your best friend hooked up with your ex-love/ex-girlfriend. :] poor guy!

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