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    Backwards! – (Chapter: White Flag)

    "Hey girly long time no see!’

    "Aiden!" Spencer yelled and jumped up from her seat to hug him. When she sat back down she looked at Aiden’s clothing, "basketball… really Aiden. I didn’t think basketball would really be your thing… If you catch my drift."

    "Oh, the pain of stereotypes! It hurts!" he mimicked stabbing himself in the chest with an imaginary knife. Spencer laughed.

    "You see, that! Acting, drama that is what I thought you’d be into."

    "Oh honey that too but…" he was cut off by a very angry looking man yelling up from the bottom of the bleachers.

    "Dennison! Stop flirting with the girls and get your ass down here NOW!"

    "And the coach summons, I’ll be back!" Aiden said as he sprinted down the seats. Spencer watched him go a look of amazement on her face. Aiden playing basketball now this I have to see! She removed her headphones and positioned herself in a seat where she could see the whole court. She was very surprised to see that Aiden, instead of picking splinters out of his ass on the bench which is what SPencer predicted he would be doing, was head point gaurd and very, very good. After watching him for awhile her eyes roamed to Rowan, Aiden’s second in command. He too was good and it just hurt Spencer more to think that she might never again be friends with the blonde. She sighed as the last whistle was blown. She knew what she had to do, even though it might break her heart to do so. She left her seat and started climbing down the bleachers toward the court. She slid past Aiden telling him quickly that she owuld call him later.

    "Rowan…" the blonde who was talking to his coach froze at the sound of his former best friends voice and turned slowly around to look at her, "do you… do you have a second?" Rowan told his coachthat he would see him at the next practice and without saying a word to Spencer pulled her into a back room. They just stoof there for a second in silence before Rowan spoke.

    "Look, if you’re not going to talk then I’m just going to…" he jerked his thumb backward to signal his meaning.

    "I’m sorry… I was just enjoying being next to you again, I really miss you…"

    "Spencer… you do realize what you did…"

    "Yes and I’m sorry Rowan but I couldn’t help it…I… I love her…" she watched his face searching for his reaction but his face remained expressionless.

    "You do…"

    "Yeah I really do…"

    "Great, she can add your name to her broken heart list right under mine."

    "She’s not like that anymore! Okay, she feels terrible about what she did to you… there was a whole other side to the story… look i do love her and she loves me she told me so… but I need you in my life too…"

    "Spencer," he reached down and grabbed her hand, "you will always be my best friend and I will always care about you… you and Ashley just caught me off gaurd… I didn’t expect it… but you have to know that she may love you but I will always love you too…"

    "I love you Rowan… always and forever…" the taller guy reached in and pulled the shorter girl into a tight embrace.

    "Finallt things are back to the way they should be," Rowan whispered into Spencer’s ear.

    "Yeah…" Spencer said back and the two just stood there in the room now filling with people not caring who saw them because finally, things were returning to normal…

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