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    Best For Me – (Chapter: What is love but a bolt from the blue, what is a bolt but a glorified screw?)

    The drive to her parents was silent. Elly was smart enough to have sensed that something was very wrong and just watched her mother warily from the back seat. Alex, completely oblivious to anything, blew soft raspberries in his sleep. Gray drove with slow determination, unsure of his ability to say anything that could make a difference. And Spencer? Spencer was a ball of quiet misery she felt would never quell, never leave. She had lost Ashley and now she was lost too.

    The only break to the dead silence was the small movement of Elly leaning forward and carefully pressing Mr. Ruffles into her mother’s arms in an act of selfless comfort. Spencer smiled at her with watery eyes and hugged the elephant to her chest. She placed a grateful kiss on his trunk, and then handed him back. Mr. Ruffles couldn’t help now, nothing could.

    They pulled into the driveway and Spencer moved robotically, getting Alex out of the car and putting him in his carrier gently. She barely noticed Gray getting Elly out and walking with them to the front door. Nothing was registering in her periphery, nothing was getting through the fog. She’d never felt like this. Ever. Welcome to heartbreak.

    Spencer was grateful that it was Arthur that opened the door. She’d have to explain herself to her mother sooner rather than later, but even a two minute reprieve was appreciated. Her father’s face changed through the look of curiosity, to surprise, to concern in one smooth motion. He ushered them into the house and had a quick word with Gray. Spencer didn’t stay to listen. She ushered Elly into the house and put Alex down in the living room. She could hear her mother moving around upstairs.

    Gray’s hand on her shoulder brought her head up.

    “I’m gonna go. I’ll call you ok?”

    She nodded mutely. He pulled her into a hug and kissed her temple. “It’ll be ok Spencer, you’ll see. You’ll figure it out ok. It takes more than this to make something over. I’m always here if you need me.” Pressing another kiss to her forehead he let herself go and then vanished.

    Paula appeared in the corner of Spencer’s vision.

    “Spencer, oh my god what’s wrong?” Her mothers sharp voice found her, laced with worry.


    1. oh my god…you can’t leave me hanging like this. Please update soon. Yes, I am aware of how needy I sound but after the season finale, I need a little closure. PMS!

    2. Oh my god!!! That was such a great update. I can’t wait to see what will happen next and if Ashley and Spencer will ever get together, I HOPE!!!!! PMS and have a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!

    3. OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!! You amaze me. yOu simply amaze me. I can not WAIT! Until your next chapter. Happy ending right? I mean, ashley takes her back and all? Please say yes. haha. You have managed to get me addicted to this story. It’s like lemon juice! You cant have just one bottle! hahahahaha. jk jk jk PMS sis. Lug ya!

    4. oh my god…you can’t leave me hanging like this. Please update soon. Yes, I am aware of how needy I sound but after the season finale, I need a little closure. PMS!

    5. Oh my god!!! That was such a great update. I can’t wait to see what will happen next and if Ashley and Spencer will ever get together, I HOPE!!!!! PMS and have a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!

    6. OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG OMG!!!! You amaze me. yOu simply amaze me. I can not WAIT! Until your next chapter. Happy ending right? I mean, ashley takes her back and all? Please say yes. haha. You have managed to get me addicted to this story. It’s like lemon juice! You cant have just one bottle! hahahahaha. jk jk jk PMS sis. Lug ya!

    7. Now that’s what I call a cliffhanger… My heart is racing for both Spencer and Ashley. This is simply the best, most heartfelt fanfiction on this site. i love it

    8. Now that’s what I call a cliffhanger… My heart is racing for both Spencer and Ashley. This is simply the best, most heartfelt fanfiction on this site. i love it

    9. one more frigging post?! are you trying to kill me, here!? and it better be good clom, with rainbows, sunshine, laughing children and make up hugging and sex and kisses! let them be happy, please *pouts, puts on puppy eyes, gets on knees and begs cos I know there’s nothing else I can do while I’m down there that will sway you*. Love this story – you best be starting something else/finishing 28 days as a way of lessening my withdrawal. love it and will miss it! big love Jx

    10. one more frigging post?! are you trying to kill me, here!? and it better be good clom, with rainbows, sunshine, laughing children and make up hugging and sex and kisses! let them be happy, please *pouts, puts on puppy eyes, gets on knees and begs cos I know there’s nothing else I can do while I’m down there that will sway you*. Love this story – you best be starting something else/finishing 28 days as a way of lessening my withdrawal. love it and will miss it! big love Jx

    11. I think, this might be the saddest thing I’ve read in a while……..The way Spencer feels….it all seems so real…..I loved this update….I felt like crying and laughing….Well….crying….’cause of the obvious..Laughing because Spencer thinks everyone is clueless about her “dysfunctional” relationship with Ashley when they really aren’t….Great job….as always….I hope you’ll post more soon!PS: Yay….I got my Mr.Ruffles fix ;)

    12. I think, this might be the saddest thing I’ve read in a while……..The way Spencer feels….it all seems so real…..I loved this update….I felt like crying and laughing….Well….crying….’cause of the obvious..Laughing because Spencer thinks everyone is clueless about her “dysfunctional” relationship with Ashley when they really aren’t….Great job….as always….I hope you’ll post more soon!PS: Yay….I got my Mr.Ruffles fix ;)

    13. Wow! Great chapter….the penultimate! Gray is amazing, some people can change-a tad too late but good for him nonetheless. And Aurthor is great too….but that’s a given…he is the best. Mixed feelings about the final chapter…bad-that means the end of the line for this story….makes me sad. good-we find out what happens (they ARE getting together right? ;-)). AND that means NEW stories! YEY!!! That makes me happy! HAPPY NEW YEAR! 2007 wooohooo!

    14. Wow! Great chapter….the penultimate! Gray is amazing, some people can change-a tad too late but good for him nonetheless. And Aurthor is great too….but that’s a given…he is the best. Mixed feelings about the final chapter…bad-that means the end of the line for this story….makes me sad. good-we find out what happens (they ARE getting together right? ;-)). AND that means NEW stories! YEY!!! That makes me happy! HAPPY NEW YEAR! 2007 wooohooo!

    15. Wow! That chapter was amazing! Loved it! And i can’t believe how wonderful Gray was, I think it was sweet how he was there for Spencer, i’m glad they can still be friends! And of course there’s nothing better than a Mr C moment to clear everything up =] Can’t wait for the next chapter! I’m gonna be upset when this story’s finished, it’s one of my favourites. Update soon! And Happy New Year!!

    16. Wow! That chapter was amazing! Loved it! And i can’t believe how wonderful Gray was, I think it was sweet how he was there for Spencer, i’m glad they can still be friends! And of course there’s nothing better than a Mr C moment to clear everything up =] Can’t wait for the next chapter! I’m gonna be upset when this story’s finished, it’s one of my favourites. Update soon! And Happy New Year!!

    17. yeah! right on arthur! i don’t think i can wait for the next update, i’m dying… same for 28 days; you said there would be one before christmas! now i’m just being a pestering fool. sorry, but these are addicting stories. get the girls back together. thank you!

    18. yeah! right on arthur! i don’t think i can wait for the next update, i’m dying… same for 28 days; you said there would be one before christmas! now i’m just being a pestering fool. sorry, but these are addicting stories. get the girls back together. thank you!

    19. omg it’s the penultimate chapter!! and the next chap will be the last!!! arghhh i dunno if i can take it when this heartwarming and incredibly touching story ends. i have no author to stalk already. unless you start updating 28 days regularly. haha. but i mucho lug this story and you of course. and i cant wait for the beautiful ending. :D LUG LUG YOU AT!!!

    20. omg it’s the penultimate chapter!! and the next chap will be the last!!! arghhh i dunno if i can take it when this heartwarming and incredibly touching story ends. i have no author to stalk already. unless you start updating 28 days regularly. haha. but i mucho lug this story and you of course. and i cant wait for the beautiful ending. :D LUG LUG YOU AT!!!

    21. oh my freaking god!!!! oh man…wow. gray was so great to her and he and her father knew!!! WOAH. didn’t see that one coming! i seriously just want to thank you for writing this! i love it soooooo much! but please please please please fix them! make them spashley once again…and soon!

    22. oh my freaking god!!!! oh man…wow. gray was so great to her and he and her father knew!!! WOAH. didn’t see that one coming! i seriously just want to thank you for writing this! i love it soooooo much! but please please please please fix them! make them spashley once again…and soon!

    23. Great update. It’s funny how the one’s around you seem to know so much about you without you even saying a word (unless they are blind like Paula LOL). I loved how Gray and Arthur already knew from just seeing Spencer and her happiness before… Now get Ashley in there and make it better. Go Spencer Go! LOL… Loved it. You are an excellent writer (not that you haven’t heard that before), but I just wanted to say it again!

    24. Great update. It’s funny how the one’s around you seem to know so much about you without you even saying a word (unless they are blind like Paula LOL). I loved how Gray and Arthur already knew from just seeing Spencer and her happiness before… Now get Ashley in there and make it better. Go Spencer Go! LOL… Loved it. You are an excellent writer (not that you haven’t heard that before), but I just wanted to say it again!

    25. I can’t believe Ashley just left without talking to Spencer or atleast saying bye to Elly. Spencer shouldn’t run after her. Did Ashley think it would be ok to date another woman, then come home to Spencer and the kid’s?!

    26. I can’t believe Ashley just left without talking to Spencer or atleast saying bye to Elly. Spencer shouldn’t run after her. Did Ashley think it would be ok to date another woman, then come home to Spencer and the kid’s?!

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