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    Bliss (I Don’t Wanna Know)

                “Of what?” Aiden asked.

                “Vodka,” Ashley said proudly. “And I haven’t gotten sick yet. Aren’t you proud of me?”

                “No,” Aiden said flatly.

                “Why not?” Ashley pouted.

                “Drinking that much is dangerous,” Aiden said. “Does Spencer know you’re drinking?”

                “Who?” Ashley asked.

                “You know,” Aiden said, “you’re girlfriend, Spencer.”

                “Screw Spencer,” Ashley said taking another drink.

                “I’m on my way over,” Aiden said.

                “You wanna have a drink with me?” Ashley asked excitedly.

                “No,” Aiden said. “I’m coming to make sure you don’t do anything stupid.”

                “I’m fine, Aiden,” Ashley said. “There’s no need for you to come over.”

                “I don’t care,” Aiden said. “I’m still coming. I’ll be there in a few minutes.”

    I don’t wanna know it’s over
    So save your goodbye kiss
    I don’t wanna know it’s over
    Cause ignorance is bliss
    I can hardly see
    What’s in front of me
    Cause the vodka’s running on empty
    I can’t stay sober
    If it’s over
    (I don’t wanna know)
    (I don’t wanna know)
    (I don’t wanna know)
    So save your goodbye kiss
    (I don’t wanna know)
    (I don’t wanna know)
    (I don’t wanna know)

    Aiden ran out to his car and drove like mad to get to Ashley. She went back downstairs and grabbed the rest of the vodka. She hid it in her room, knowing Aiden would get rid of what he found. She heard Aiden pull into the driveway.

                “Here we go,” she said as she finished the bottle.

                Aiden ran upstairs, hoping Ashley wasn’t doing anything stupid. He walked into her room to find her sitting on the couch.

                “Ash,” Aiden said kneeling in front of her, “have you drank anymore since I got off the phone with you?”

                “Yes,” Ashley smiled. She held up the empty bottle in her hand. She was slurring her words a lot more. “I finished off this one.”

                Aiden grabbed the bottle and the other two that were on the floor next to the couch. “Damn it, Ash,” he said.

                “What?” Ashley asked. She looked confused.

                “Why are you drinking?” Aiden asked. “Don’t you remember what happened last time you drank like this?”

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    1. okay, so i know this was posted a long time ago, and i didnt post then, but i wanted to tell u… that i have been looking for this story for the past 3 weeks… thats a LONG time to look for a story so u can read it over a gain… but that shows how good of a writer u r… how u do more hinder… ur good at his song fics.

    2. okay, so i know this was posted a long time ago, and i didnt post then, but i wanted to tell u… that i have been looking for this story for the past 3 weeks… thats a LONG time to look for a story so u can read it over a gain… but that shows how good of a writer u r… how u do more hinder… ur good at his song fics.

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