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    Bliss (I Don’t Wanna Know)

                “No,” Ashley said. “Should I?”

                Aiden sighed and took the bottles downstairs. Ashley stood up and stumbled to her bed. She tripped over her shoe that she left in the middle of the floor. She fell down and Aiden came running as soon as he heard it.

                “Ash,” Aiden said standing next to Ashley, “are you ok?”

                “I’m fine,” Ashley said. She picked up the shoe and threw it. “You tripped me, you stupid piece of crap!”

                Aiden leaned over and helped Ashley up. “Go to bed, Ash,” he said.

                “I’m not tired,” Ashley said.

                “I don’t care,” Aiden said.

                Ashley laid down in her bed. She stashed a bottle under her pillow before Aiden got there. She smiled when she felt it. “Ok,” she said. “Happy now? I’m going to sleep.”

                “Yeah,” Aiden said. “I have to get back home. Are you going to be ok here by yourself? Do you want me to call Spencer?”

                “No,” Ashley said quickly. “I’ll be just fine. I’m going to fall asleep soon.”

                “Ok,” Aiden said. “Call me if you need anything.”

                Ashley nodded and rested her head on the pillow. Aiden left and as soon as Ashley heard him pull out of the driveway, she grabbed the bottle from under her pillow and opened it. She took a few drinks before setting it on her nightstand. She laid back and passed out.

    I woke up with a heartbeat in my head
    I reached for the bottle by the bed
    I saw your side was not slept in
    Cold sheets again
    Remind me of what you said
    We need to take a break for a while
    It’s been so long since I smiled
    I don’t wanna listen now
    Live this day down
    With you so drunk and high
    So I’ll say goodbye

                Ashley’s phone started ringing early the next morning. She grabbed it from her nightstand. She knew it was Spencer. “What?” she answered, sounding tired.

                “Ash?” Spencer said. “Um, I was just wondering if you’re gonna pick me up for school.”

                “Nope,” Ashley said.

                “Why not?” Spencer asked.

                “I’m not going to school,” Ashley said.

                “Why?” Spencer asked.

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    1. okay, so i know this was posted a long time ago, and i didnt post then, but i wanted to tell u… that i have been looking for this story for the past 3 weeks… thats a LONG time to look for a story so u can read it over a gain… but that shows how good of a writer u r… how u do more hinder… ur good at his song fics.

    2. okay, so i know this was posted a long time ago, and i didnt post then, but i wanted to tell u… that i have been looking for this story for the past 3 weeks… thats a LONG time to look for a story so u can read it over a gain… but that shows how good of a writer u r… how u do more hinder… ur good at his song fics.

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