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    Bliss (I Don’t Wanna Know)

                “I’m hung over, ok?” Ashley said. “Have fun at school.”

                Ashley shut her phone and tossed it back on her nightstand. She couldn’t go back to sleep. The headache was really bad. She reached over and grabbed the open bottle from her stand. She sat up and chugged half the bottle. She got out of bed and stumbled to the bathroom. She heard her phone ringing again so she ran out to get it. She opened it but before she could say anything Spencer stopped her.

                “Ash,” Spencer said, “what’s going on with you? Aiden told me you downed a whole bottle of vodka last night.”

                “I don’t want to hear this,” Ashley said.

                “Is it because I didn’t call you last night?” Spencer asked.

                “It’s because you’re gonna break up with me,” Ashley said after taking a drink of the vodka.

                “What?” Spencer said. “Where the hell did you come up with that?”

                “You’re mom is gonna make you do it,” Ashley said.

                “Ash,” Spencer said, “I think-.”

                “No,” Ashley said loudly. “I don’t wanna know. I don’t wanna know it’s over.”

                Ashley shut off her phone and finished the rest of her bottle. She got in the shower and then left the house. She drove to King and found Spencer and Aiden sitting in the quad. She knew it was lunch.

                Aiden looked up and saw her walking towards them. “Ashley?” he said.

                Spencer turned around quickly to see Ashley stumbling slightly as she walked over.

                “Spencer, can we talk?” Ashley asked sitting next to Spencer.

                “Yeah,” Spencer said. “What’s up?”

                “When are you talking to your mom about the other night?” Ashley asked.

                “I don’t know,” Spencer said. “Have you been drinking?”

                “Yes,” Ashley said. “There’s something I have to tell you.”

                “Ok,” Spencer said.

                “I don’t wanna know it’s over,” Ashley said. “So save your goodbye kiss. I don’t wanna know it’s over cause ignorance is bliss. I can hardly see what’s in front of me cause the vodka’s running on empty. I can’t stay sober, if it’s over.”

                Ashley didn’t leave Spencer any time to say anything. She got up and left, walking to her car fast. She drove off and went back home. She was only two blocks from home when she saw flashing lights in the rearview mirror. She pulled over and shut off the car.

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    1. okay, so i know this was posted a long time ago, and i didnt post then, but i wanted to tell u… that i have been looking for this story for the past 3 weeks… thats a LONG time to look for a story so u can read it over a gain… but that shows how good of a writer u r… how u do more hinder… ur good at his song fics.

    2. okay, so i know this was posted a long time ago, and i didnt post then, but i wanted to tell u… that i have been looking for this story for the past 3 weeks… thats a LONG time to look for a story so u can read it over a gain… but that shows how good of a writer u r… how u do more hinder… ur good at his song fics.

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