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    Suddenly it all came together. Spencer knew who else the boy resembled, just as surely as she knew who the woman was the voice belonged too. She may have struggled at first with the resemblance of Justin, but she would never in a thousand lives forget that slightly husky voice. She watched as the woman pulled Justin over Aiden’s shoulder, he was still fascinated by his shoelace, so that she was standing directly behind Aiden.

    “Have you been a good boy for daddy” the woman stepped out from behind Aiden. “Daddy has he be…” She stopped short. Her mouth slightly open, her eyes wide.

    “Spencer” she forced out in a hushed whisper

    Spencer swallowed hard   “Hey Ash”

    There was a moment. Spencer’s felt the ground fall from beneath her, her legs were heavy and were threatening to fall away with the ground.

    “Well” Aiden cleared his throat, finally looking up from his shoes. The ground came surging up beneath her again. Spencer watched him as he took Justin from Ashley

    “Come on my boy, let’s get some ice cream”. The boy babbled something back at him, Spencer noticed that Ashley had not looked away from her. 

    “Talk” Aiden said to both of them, but no one in particular. Spencer watched Aiden walk away with his son. Walk away with Ashley’s son. Walk away with he and Ashley’s son! Spencer had to take a deep breath, and slowly let herself look back at Ashley, who still had not tore her gaze away from Spencer. She could see Ashley’s mouth moving desperate to form words. But nothing was said.

    Again Spencer had to take a deep breath. Here she was, the girl who had given her the support and the confidence to be herself all those years ago. The girl who had introduced her to a world full of passion. A world full of love and happiness. A world full of personal freedom. That girl was standing in front of Spencer, for the first time in four years, for the first time since they had broken up.

    Spencer felt a familiar feeling start to course through her body. She tried to mentally shake it. But she couldn’t. The desire was becoming stronger, urging her to reach over and touch Ashley. She was still as angelic as ever, thought Spencer. Her dark curled hair hanging loosely just below her shoulders, those dark eyes, she had loved to look into all those years ago, she locked into them and saw that the dark intensity was still burning in them and Spencer’s breath hitched. She still had that amazing tanned and toned body and that stomach… those beautiful abs…. Spencer tried to force back the memory of how they would slightly twitch, every time that Spencer would run her fingertips along them. It was a hard task to achieve, as Ashley’s flat stomach was peeking out from under the black wife beater Ashley had on, enticing her. Spencer closed her eyes and slightly shook her head as she had noticed the waist band of dark denim jeans. She refused to let herself look lower. Obviously having a child hadn’t affected Ashley’s ability to stay in shape.


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