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    Spencer eyes shot open…. Right!…. Ashley’s kid!…. Justin!… His dad, Aiden! 

    Spencer had to take another deep breath, she was starting to feel dizzy, the world was now spinning, her legs were no longer heavy, but beginning to feel weak.  Ashley has a son. This information combined with Ashley standing no more than a metre from her, had Spencer reeling and the fact that Ashley’s presence could reignite fireworks throughout Spencer’s body after all these years had become too overwhelming. Spencer stepped and staggered back until the back of her legs hit the seat she had being sitting on, reading her book, minding her own business on, and fell back into it, whispering

    “I didn’t know”

    “I didn’t know” Spencer whispered again

    She sat there, pressed up against the back of the park bench, just staring straight ahead. She could hear Ashley speaking but for some reason Spencer could not process what she was saying. She just sat there watching the world go about its business. The people walking their dogs, an elderly couple holding hands and laughing together, children laughing, children playing, children crying all went by Spencer in slow motion, the sound muffled in Spencer’s thoughts, possibly drowned out by throbbing in her ears, which matched her heartbeat for heartbeat. She was suddenly snapped back into reality and sound had become clear again when Ashley knelt down in front of her and placed her hand on Spencer’s knee.

    “Spencer” Ashley quietly but forcefully said. Spencer refused to look at Ashley instead staring past her at the elderly couple. She was numb. “I need for you to listen to me Spence” Ashley added in a whisper.

    Spencer’s senses suddenly came rushing back at her, making her achingly aware of Ashley’s presence. Her scent had not changed and played through Spencer’s body as she inhaled. White Musk entered Spencer and her thoughts became hazy, she was ready to melt. But it was Ashley’s touch that was excruciating for Spencer but was also welcomed at the same time. Ashley’s warm hand pressed against the bare flesh of Spencer’s knee. She was wearing jeans, but Ashley’s hand had managed to land where the only rip in her jeans had been, the touch was sending shivers all the way up Spencer’s thigh and resting in a place she did not want them to be. She looked down at Ashley’s hand, her fingers long, slender and beautiful, just as Spencer had remembered them. Ashley had watched Spencer’s gaze slip down to where her hand was resting


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