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    “Oh, shit sorry” Ashley murmured as she quickly pulled it away and sat up next to Spencer on the bench. Spencer felt their arms graze Too close, you’re too close Spencer’s heart was racing. Ashley must have thought so too and shifted away, moved a little down the bench. Another long deep breath, but it was from Ashley this time. She slowly released it and began.

    “His name is Justin, he just turned three and yes, Aiden is his father”.  She had turned to look at Spencer, who was just nodding slightly and silently, she was still trying to regain some composure. “He’s my world Spence” Ashley sighed out. Spencer turned to look at Ashley, who quickly added “Justin is, Justin is my world” She must have thought that Spencer believed she was talking about Aiden and had to clarify.

    “I know who you meant Ash” Spencer smiled weakly

    Ashley smiled back at Spencer just as weakly and said “I guess it was just meant to happen”

    “Yeah, it seems so” Spencer knew exactly what Ashley was talking about. Ashley’s pregnancy to Aiden in high school. Unfortunately she had miscarried and it had sent Ashley on a path of self destruction. That was before Spencer had known Ashley.

    “I guess so”, Spencer whispered , almost to herself.

    “Wait!” Spencer said louder as she stood up. “You said he just turned three” she spun around to face Ashley. Ashley swallowed hard, she knew what was about to come “Yes” she whispered as she looked at the ground.

    “That means,… that means you fell….” Spencer stammered

    Ashley decided to help her out. “Just after we had broken up Spence” She looked up, and Spencer noted that a glaze had come across those dark eyes and the intensity had died down, only just a fraction, Spencer thought.

    “Just after we broke up,…… how long after?” Spencer questioned Ashley by holding her gaze, no matter how painful it was to stare into those eyes.

    “It doesn’t matter”

    “How long Ashley?” Spencer demanded, a coldness now in her tone

    “It worked out to be about two weeks after” Ashley answered steadily

    “Two weeks!” Spencer screamed out, then realising she was in a public place, quietened her voice “Two weeks Ashley! How long after did you..”


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