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     “Three days” Ashley cut in, knowing what Spencer’s next question would be.

    Spencer felt as if she had just been punched in the gut, hard and fast, she gulped trying to catch her breath back. “Three days after we broke up, you started sleeping with Aiden” it wasn’t a question, it was a statement she forced out. She watched as Ashley brought her elbows to her knees and then covered her face with her hands. Spencer’s world had begun to spin again.

    “Were you sleeping with him before we broke up?” she questioned

    Ashley’s head shot up “God no!” she cried in alarm. “How could you think that?”

    “How could I not be thinking that Ashley?. You broke up with me, just like that. I thought things were good, but you broke up with me for no reason and now I find out you started sleeping with him again, days after we broke up and now…” Spencer gasped, desperate for air “and now you have his child…. I must not have been that hard to get over” she added as an afterthought

    “Spencer, no!”  Ashley stood up and took a step towards her, Spencer stepped back and put a hand out, warning Ashley not to come closer.

    “Then what Ash?” Spencer spat “You want to know something, I was always jealous of what you and Aiden shared, always worried that you would realise that what you had with him was so much more than what we had. I might not have shown it, but I was terrified pretty much everyday that I would lose you to Aiden and your history with him” Spencer was surprised at how easy the truths of her insecurities when she was with Ashley were falling from her lips. But she didn’t care, consequence of truth be damned.

    It looked to Spencer, that Ashley was also surprised at her sudden confessional. She stared at Spencer for a moment, then gushed “Spencer I loved you and only you” She took a deep then continued “When I was with you, I was yours and no one else’s. You gotta know that?”

    Spencer slowly started shaking her head “I don’t know anymore, Ash, you broke up with me, told me you didn’t love me anymore and now I find out that three days later you were back with Aiden. Ashley you absolutely shattered me that day. I didn’t think I could feel any worse than I did that day…..but now you’ve destroyed me again. You and Aiden!!” Spencer felt her voice waver. You betrayed me, you both did, my best friends.


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