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    “Spencer, it wasn’t like that” Ashley pleaded “You weren’t the only one I destroyed that day” Spencer said nothing, just looked deep into Ashley’s eyes, silently urging her to continue. Ashley did. “That was the hardest day of my life, and shit, I’ve been through childbirth” Both girls couldn’t hide the faint smiles that crept across their lips. But Spencer wiped hers away hard and fast.

    “Why?” Spencer questioned her voice strong but calm. Ashley closed her eyes and took a deep breath, it looked to Spencer as if she was trying to prepare herself. God, she was still so beautiful, Damn it! Spencer mentally slapped herself for thinking like that, now at this pint in time. Ashley let her breath out with a heavy sigh and quietly continued, her eyes still closed.

    “Why? Because never once did I stop loving you Spencer” A look washed over Ashley’s face that Spencer thought was relief, Ashley continued “I never did, honestly I never have” and with this Ashley opened her eyes “ I just felt so guilty, when you went of to university to start your new life, you still had me hear in LA, tying you to the old one. It was a time for you to try everything, to experience new everything. But you didn’t because of me. You didn’t want me thinking you were having fun without me. I could here it in your voice as the year went on, the regret and resentment from not going to parties or doing something with your new friends, all because I expected your undivided attention when I would call you.” Ashley paused and Spencer just looked at her at a loss for words, but Ashley pressed on “I hated being the fact that I was the reason you weren’t making the most of your new life. I hated being the one holding you back from the amazing and incredible life that you deserved. So I decided that you would be better of without me and I knew you would never accept that so I told you that I didn’t love you anymore”

    Spencer stood there, eyes still locked on Ashley, absorbing everything she had just heard. Spencer could accept that line of thinking from Ashley, she knew it was just Ashley been scared and thinking she wasn’t good enough to stay in Spencer’s life. But she was still wondering and when she said it, it came out a lot colder than she had intended it to be


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