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    “So where does Aiden fit into this selfless act of yours” Ashley reeled from Spencer’s words and tone and hastily continued

    “I never thought that saying, I didn’t love you would hurt so much. I mean they were just words, I knew I didn’t mean it, but it was so hard saying it, and when I saw your reaction…. It was just so painful Spence”

    “Yeah I remember” Spencer spat bitterly the words at Ashley

    “Yeah, I know” Ashley continued quietly,  I hated myself so much that day, for causing you that amount of pain. But I thought it was for the best Even though one day I knew you wouldn’t hurt anymore, it tore me apart knowing I was causing you pain, right there in the present. So, I did what Ashley Davies does in an emotional crisis. I got drunk as soon as I was away from you. I called Aiden and told him what happened and he came over for support and to help me drink my sorrows away. Then a few days later…” She paused and looked at Spencer, sighed then kept going “three days later, Aiden was over, and the alcohol wasn’t working anymore, I could still feel everything, so I did the next thing Ashley Davies does in an emotional crisis”

    Spencer took a deep breath in, this time it was her who knew what was to be said next, she let the breath out slowly as she closed her eyes. Ashley had noticed this action and slightly nodded her head “ Yeah, I used sex as an escape, he wasn’t sure at first, but I was drunk, he was drunk and I was high, and it wasn’t that hard to convince him. It kept happening. We both knew it wasn’t anything more than an emotional outlet for me. But,” Ashley paused briefly before continuing once more “then I got pregnant. Again! You think we would have learnt our lesson the first time, but no. An abortion wasn’t on the cards the first time and it wasn’t this time either. So we decided to have the baby together”

    Again it was time for Spencer to absorb everything she had just heard. All of a sudden she felt extremely tired. More emotionally than physically. She wrapped her arms around herself as she felt the chill of the afternoon breeze cut across her skin. She closed her eyes and tried to gauge her emotions, was she angry, upset, confused. Ashley’s voice pierced her thoughts


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