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    “It was never anything emotional Spence, it was just purely physical”

    Spencer’s emotion was anger, her eyes shot open as she stepped towards Ashley and grabbed for her left hand. Ashley surprised by Spencer’s sudden movement, jerked back

    “Purely physical” Spencer shouted as she grabbed Ashley’s left hand and held it up. “You’re married Ashley, I saw the same band on Aiden’s left hand” she gestured to the small gold band on Ashley’s ring finger “ How can you stand there and tell me there was never any emotional connection” Spencer felt tears start to come, prickling her eyes, she blinked them away and turned to leave.

    “Stop” Ashley whispered, she had managed to move her hand so that she was now holding Spencer’s wrist, she pulled Spencer to a stop. Her thumb brushing across the inside of Spencer’s wrist.

     Spencer’s breath caught in her throat, “Don’t” she choked out.

    “It’s never been the same” Ashley whispered. Again Spencer breath caught. She turned and looked Ashley straight in the eyes.

    “You left me Ash. Remember that!” Spencer said coolly and she pulled herself away from Ashley’s grip, picked up her bag and walked away and left the love of her life behind her, gaining some sort of satisfaction and strength as she heard quiet, gentle sobs coming from Ashley.

     “Mummy, look” Spencer heard the shrill cry of Justin from behind her. It was hard to believe that Aiden and Ashley were parents. Spencer knew they would both be amazing parents, but still, it was hard to comprehend

    “Spencer, wait, Spencer stop!” Aiden called from behind her. Spencer didn’t know if she had the energy or the emotional strength to listen to what Aiden now had to say. Too late. He had caught up with her and gently put his arm on her shoulder, swinging her around gently. She forgot how fast he was.

    “What!” Spencer snapped. Then saw the hurt look on Aiden face. “Sorry Aiden, it’s just”

    “A lot to deal with, yeah I know” he smiled warmly, those puppy dog eyes looking sad and sorry. Spencer remembered when she first met Aiden in high school and how she thought that look was cute on him. Now, it just annoyed her. He continued “We got married for Justin’s sake, we thought we could make it work, you know, because of our history. It did for a little while” he kicked at a tuff of dirt and looked down, the ground sure was an interesting place for Aiden today, thought Spencer “ but we both knew we weren’t in love with each other, so yeah, we are married, but not in the conventional sense, Ash has never been one for convention, you should know that” he let a small smile play across his lips, but abandoned it, when he realised Spencer was not smiling with him “We live together, but we’re more roommates than husband and wife, we each have our own bedrooms. It’s just easy this way, because we both get to be with Justin, no messy, one weekend here and the next weekend somewhere else.”

    All of a sudden another surge of anger washed through Spencer, she hated Aiden, hated him for being with Ashley for the past fours years, hated him for thinking that being married to Ashley was just an easy way out, hated him for having an untouchable bond with her, a special bond that only a child could give. Hated him for being able to give Ashley something that Spencer could never give her, a child! She knew the hate was not rational and not fair, but she didn’t give a damn, neither was him sleeping with Ashley just after she and her had broken up.

    “She still loves you Spencer”

    Aaaggh! Spencer screamed internally. She looked over Aiden’s shoulder at Ashley who was watching them intently. Justin in her arms, head on Ashley’s shoulder sleeping. God, she is so beautiful. Aaaggh! Spencer screamed at herself internally this time. Then looked back to Aiden.

    “Yeah, well it doesn’t matter anymore now, does it?” Spencer turned and walked away, letting the tears stream down her face.




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