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    “She’s just in there, next door on the right” Spencer heard Emma’s voice carry from down the hall. Spencer was picking up and shuffling pieces of paper on her desk, trying to get it to look like there was some type of organisation and neatness in her work place, she had just place the pile on top of the folders when there was a knock, even though her door was open, “Come in” Spencer said, but did not look up as she was preoccupied by the pile of paper and folders that looked as though it was about to come crashing down. Spencer heard footsteps coming toward her desk and was about to look up, when she noticed that something had been pushed across her desk to rest just in front of her. She had managed to stabilise the pile and pulled her hands slowly away from it as she looked to her right and saw her copy of The Alchemist sitting there on her desk. Spencer was smiling as she readjusted herself into a more comfortable position in her chair, happy to have her book back she looked up to thank the kind person who had returned it.

    Lucky she was sitting down otherwise Spencer would have fallen. This was the last thing she had expected after the weekend. Her heart had begun its frantic race again with the bombardment of thoughts and feelings that were coursing through Spencer’s body. She gripped the edge of her desk, desperate for grounding, even though she was still sitting. Ashley was here in her office. Spencer looked down again at the book, and realised it must have been Ashley who had picked it up

     “I noticed it on the ground near the bench after you left” Ashley said as she watched Spencer stare at the front cover of the book. Spencer merely nodded, still looking at the cover. “Can I sit down?” Ashley asked her. Spencer was trying to control her breathing, focusing on that she didn’t properly register what Ashley had said

    “Sorry, what?” Spencer said as she looked up at Ashley who motioned to the chair across from Spencer. “Yeah. Sure, sorry. Of course, sit down” she managed to get out. Spencer noticed her throat had become extremely dry. Ashley sat down across from Spencer and just looked at her. Her gaze was disarming Spencer and Spencer knew that Ashley had meant for that to happen. She cleared her throat, swallowed hard and was surprised at how calm her voice was when she said

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    1. I like this story so far. Man, so Aiden and Ash have a kid, are married but not very happily…and now Spence has been put back in the picture. I don’t know who to feel for the most, spence or ash…they both are so hurt at the moment. Let see if Spence decides to meet up with Ash…pms!!

    2. I like this story so far. Man, so Aiden and Ash have a kid, are married but not very happily…and now Spence has been put back in the picture. I don’t know who to feel for the most, spence or ash…they both are so hurt at the moment. Let see if Spence decides to meet up with Ash…pms!!

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