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    “Yeah, a social worker” Spencer nodded “Being a grown up and out of school, with a full time job for nearly a year now” Spencer said grinning at Ashley

    “I always knew you would be a grown up one day” Ashley said returning the grin

    “Well one of us had too” Spencer quipped back, laughing a little and saw Ashley’s grin turn into wide smile with that nose crinkle of hers, which lit up her whole face. Spencer felt butterflies. There it was. Their banter was back. Spencer felt the tension in the room ease a little, she herself didn’t feel as rigid as when she first saw Ashley in her office. Spencer also noted that Ashley was sitting a little more comfortable in her chair now.

    “So what about you, taken over your dads record label yet?” Spencer enquired

    “Nah, don’t want too” Ashley answered

    “Really?” Spencer said slowly, with a knowing look on her face which made Ashley laugh out loud

    “Well, not yet anyway” Ashley giggled “I’ve still got a lot to learn about it, give me another 18 months, then I’ll be the big boss lady.”

    Ashley was looking at the “DRUGS IS NOT THE ANSWER” poster on Spencer’s office wall, with a small smirk on her face.

    Spencer brow furrowed, “Why 18 months?” she asked

    “Well that’s when Justin will start school” Ashley replied nonchalantly . Then realising what she had said slowly looked away from the poster and down into her lap. “Sorry” he whispered

    For the second time in three days Spencer felt as she had been winded, her back slammed into a brick wall, to be left gasping desperately for breath. She couldn’t look at Ashley any more it was hurting too much, so she looked down at the cover of her book, concentrating hard on the word THE, trying to keep it in focus and not let it be blurred by the tears that were forming in Spencer’s eyes.

    “I never meant for you to find out about him like that Spence” Ashley softly spoke

    “Did you mean for me to find out at all?” Spencer asked her tone flat, the words had left her lips before she had time to process or decide whether she wanted to ask it or not. Ashley stayed silent. Spencer looked up at her “Ashley?” Ashley looked up and Spencer saw the answer in her eyes.

    “You need to leave Ashley” Spencer said determinedly

    “Spence, please, we need too..” Ashley began to plead but Spencer cut her off

    “Thankyou for returning the book” Spencer knew she had to stay strong. Ashley got up from her chair and went towards the door, she turned back to face Spencer

    “I didn’t want to hurt you any more, than I had already had Spence”

    Spencer forced out a stifled laugh and looked straight into Ashley’s eyes “Again, too late Ashley” she snapped. Spencer saw the hurt cut right across Ashley’s face. Spencer watched as she walked out the door, she wanted to go and close it and lock out the world but she felt numb, she didn’t trust for her legs to carry her that far. She looked down again at the book and again the anger she had felt at the park washed through her and she hurled the book across the office, it hit the wall and then landed on the floor with a dull thud. Spencer stared at where the book landed, a few inches from it was her makeshift bookmark, the business card that had led Ashley right to her office, she glared at the card, never if her life had she hated anything more.

    She needed something to drink, her throat was scratchy when she swallowed. She took a deep breath composed herself and then stood. She stayed there standing in her office for a moment, making sure she wasn’t going to collapse. She was about to move when Emma appeared at the door

    “Miss Carlin, the woman told me to give you this”

    She walked over to Spencer and handed her a small white piece of rectangular card, then she left. Spencer looked down at the card, it was a business card. Spencer read the gold writing Ashley Davies, Raife Records. It also had the buildings address on it. For some reason Spencer turned the card over and on the back in Ashley’s handwriting was the scribbled note MEET ME AT 9PM, THE BEACH, OUR SPOT.



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    1. I like this story so far. Man, so Aiden and Ash have a kid, are married but not very happily…and now Spence has been put back in the picture. I don’t know who to feel for the most, spence or ash…they both are so hurt at the moment. Let see if Spence decides to meet up with Ash…pms!!

    2. I like this story so far. Man, so Aiden and Ash have a kid, are married but not very happily…and now Spence has been put back in the picture. I don’t know who to feel for the most, spence or ash…they both are so hurt at the moment. Let see if Spence decides to meet up with Ash…pms!!

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