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    Chances – (Chapter: Forgiveness)

    “No, no I remember. I remember!” She releases him and takes a step back. “She came in with a taller boy, about 23. Room 24, upstairs.” I run out the door and to the staircase. A shot goes off and I pull out my gun as we approach the door. I signal for Tony to open it. My heart races and I’m surprised by the sight before me.

    Ashley’s POV

    I move in front of Spencer as Cesar raises the gun.

    “Not so tuff know, are you bitch?” He rubs his nose and cocks the gun. I ready myself for the blow. A shot rings out and I stare into wide stunned eyes. He looks down, dropping the gun, and falling to his knees. I grab the blood stained knife and do quick work of untying Spencer. She pulls me into a death grip and I hold on just as tight.

    “Are you okay?” I pull back and look her over. She nods with watery eyes. I move toward Carmen with Spencer right by my side. She drops the gun, too weak to hold it. I move some hair from her face as we lock eyes.

    “Ashley, I’m-” Her voice comes out scratchy and she starts to cough.

    “Carmen you’ll be okay. We’ll get help.” She shakes her head.

    “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry Ash. I was so drugged up trying to forget. I was angry and I took it out on Kyla.” Tears flow from her eyes as she coughs again. I feel Spencer squeeze my arm and look into her watery blue orbs. I take a deep breath to collect myself and look back down at Carmen. Her eyes flutter shut and her breathing slows more.

    “I forgive you Carmen.” I whisper quietly as her body stills. The door swings open and I, as if on instinct, grab the gun. I lower it once my moms figure comes into view. She looks around than back to me, lowering her gun.

    “Ashley.” She walks further into the room to help me and Spencer up. “You’re okay.” She wraps me in a hug pulling Spencer in with us.

    “Of course I’m okay. Survival runs in the family.” She smiles lightly.

    Let’s go, Ziva and Tony can handle this.”

    Good, I think I’ve had my life threatened enough for one day.”

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