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    Changes – (Chapter: 4)

    "You feel like you don’t have any real feelings for her." Chelsea replied sagely.

    Spencer nodded. "I guess so. I know it’s wrong to lead her on like that, it’s just… it makes me feel special, you know? Like I’m not that horribly insecure little girl that I used to be. I mean, head cheerleader, woo hoo!" She shrugged. "Who knew that I’d rather be with someone who’s actually literate?"

    Chelsea patted Spencer’s hand. "Don’t feel bad. If it’ll make you feel any better, I have the sneaking suspicion that Nicole’s been screwing Megan behind your back. So I guess it’s a good thing you never slept with her, huh?"

    Spencer grimaced.

    "Thanks, Chels. You always know how to cheer me up." She replied wryly.


    "Buddy, you need to cheer up. What’s with you? Is this some residual Kristen trauma?" Aiden quipped.

    Ashley scowled." No, it’s not. I’ve decided that me and Kristen are quits. Can’t take it anymore, her constant cheating and lying. If I wanted to get beat down daily, I’d go out and pay for that service!"

    Aiden grinned. "Kristen did seem a little weird the few times I met her. Didn’t she always talk to herself, even when there were mass amounts of people around?" Aiden asked. "She had an imaginary friend named Lily for Christ’s sake!"

    Ashley rolled her eyes.

    Aiden continued. "You’ve always had fine taste in women. Remember when you dated Kate back in high school and she tried to drag you to all those Take Back the Night, Women Power seminars? She had a mean vengeance going on for all humans with a Y-Chromosome. Who knows why she chose you. You’ve gone through more girls than any guy I know! You’d dated half the girls in school and dumped them all!"

    Ashley lit a cigarette. "She wasn’t so bad. Now Sarah on the other hand, she was a nut. Always wanting us to do three-ways with other guys." Ashley paused. “Actually, that part wasn’t THAT bad, even though im strictly all for the females."

    Aiden laughed. "Yeah, I’m sure it was, until she dumped you for one of them!"

    Ashley grinned. "Yeah. It was fun while it lasted, though. Remember when-"


    1. No, Megan DIDN’T punch Ashley! She’s got a lot of nerve. I was so excited you updated again and such a lengthy update at that. Love it! At least now Spencer and Ashley can’t deny their attraction for one another. PMS!

    2. OK. I just registered for this site cos I had to leave feedback for this story. It’s fucking amazing, and I’m really excited to see where it goes, and how it goes. Keep writing, please, you’ve got talent.

    3. oh you’ve GOT to be kidding me! megan you stupid whore. ugh. put me in the story and let me kick her ass! haha cmon! it’d be sweet! stupid jerk deserves to get her ass handed to her after how she treats spencer. ugh. AMAAAAZING update! i’m in love with this story. no joke.

    4. No, Megan DIDN’T punch Ashley! She’s got a lot of nerve. I was so excited you updated again and such a lengthy update at that. Love it! At least now Spencer and Ashley can’t deny their attraction for one another. PMS!

    5. OK. I just registered for this site cos I had to leave feedback for this story. It’s fucking amazing, and I’m really excited to see where it goes, and how it goes. Keep writing, please, you’ve got talent.

    6. oh you’ve GOT to be kidding me! megan you stupid whore. ugh. put me in the story and let me kick her ass! haha cmon! it’d be sweet! stupid jerk deserves to get her ass handed to her after how she treats spencer. ugh. AMAAAAZING update! i’m in love with this story. no joke.

    7. “Then, you wouldn’t let me get that drag guy who impersonates Cher to sing for the reception!”haha i love Kyla!!!!!Megan is such a bitch! Ash will totally kick her ass

    8. “Then, you wouldn’t let me get that drag guy who impersonates Cher to sing for the reception!”haha i love Kyla!!!!!Megan is such a bitch! Ash will totally kick her ass

    9. ah man! I didn’t see that you’d updated like 4 more times! I feel guilty and ashamed – forgive me?! it’s awesome… actually kinda cool to read so many in one go cos it’s certainly moved on quite a bit! Shame Spencer and Ashley couldn’t have taken the party back home with them ;-) can imagine Kyla’s reaction! more soon? please? oh go on! oh, and Spencer needs to get over herself – just cos she’s a cheerleader doesn’t mean she has to act/think like one! Jx

    10. ah man! I didn’t see that you’d updated like 4 more times! I feel guilty and ashamed – forgive me?! it’s awesome… actually kinda cool to read so many in one go cos it’s certainly moved on quite a bit! Shame Spencer and Ashley couldn’t have taken the party back home with them ;-) can imagine Kyla’s reaction! more soon? please? oh go on! oh, and Spencer needs to get over herself – just cos she’s a cheerleader doesn’t mean she has to act/think like one! Jx

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