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    Changes – (Chapter: 4)

    She was cut off when a hand came in and snatched away her cigarette.

    "No smoking in the house! Do you want us to all get cancer and die before the wedding? Why is everyone trying to ruin my big day?" Kyla cried, putting out the cigarette in Ashley’s beer.

    "Ky, I highly doubt cancer from smoking can develop after one cigarette.” Aiden replied.

    Kyla scowled. "Aiden Dennison, you are impossible! First, you won’t let me do the "Under the Sea" Little Mermaid theme for the ceremony – you know Disney films are very couture right now. Then, you wouldn’t let me get that drag guy who impersonates Cher to sing for the reception! Now you want to give me cancer?"

    Aiden smiled placatingly and pulled her into his lap. "Ky, if you want me to dress like Sebastian the Crab I’ll do it. I want this day to be happy for you."

    Kyla snuggled into Aiden’s chest. "That’s all right, baby. I’ve already decided against the crab suit. However, I am going to need more money for the Male Strippers I’m having at the bachelorette party next week."

    Aiden jolted in his chair. "Male Strippers?! I don’t think so!"

    Kyla smiled and kissed her fiancée. "Just a few… nine or ten."

    "NINE or TEN?!" Aiden yelled.

    "Well, I’ll leave you two lovebirds to your discussion.” Ashley said, already exiting the room. Those two were exhausting.

    She rounded the corner and ran smack into Spencer.

    "Oof! " Spencer cried, catching her balance on the entryway side table.

    Ashley righted her and then just stood there gawking. God, she was stunning.

    Spencer’s long blonde hair was lightly curled and hung over her shoulders. She was wearing a barely-there red strappy backless top that exposed much of her midriff. A short denim mini covered her delicious looking backside, and strappy sandals adorned her feet. She was a walking sin.

    "You look beautiful, Spence." Ashley said, still staring.

    Spencer blushed. "Thanks."

    She turned to grab her bag and opened the door.

    "Where are you off to tonight?" Ashley asked.

    "Oh, I’m going to Grey with a few people. There’s a big game tomorrow, so all the guys get free drinks for being on the football team. Cheerleaders, too." She replied, shifting her bag to her other shoulder. Ashley’s very presence disconcerted her. God, the way she was looking at her right now…


    1. No, Megan DIDN’T punch Ashley! She’s got a lot of nerve. I was so excited you updated again and such a lengthy update at that. Love it! At least now Spencer and Ashley can’t deny their attraction for one another. PMS!

    2. OK. I just registered for this site cos I had to leave feedback for this story. It’s fucking amazing, and I’m really excited to see where it goes, and how it goes. Keep writing, please, you’ve got talent.

    3. oh you’ve GOT to be kidding me! megan you stupid whore. ugh. put me in the story and let me kick her ass! haha cmon! it’d be sweet! stupid jerk deserves to get her ass handed to her after how she treats spencer. ugh. AMAAAAZING update! i’m in love with this story. no joke.

    4. No, Megan DIDN’T punch Ashley! She’s got a lot of nerve. I was so excited you updated again and such a lengthy update at that. Love it! At least now Spencer and Ashley can’t deny their attraction for one another. PMS!

    5. OK. I just registered for this site cos I had to leave feedback for this story. It’s fucking amazing, and I’m really excited to see where it goes, and how it goes. Keep writing, please, you’ve got talent.

    6. oh you’ve GOT to be kidding me! megan you stupid whore. ugh. put me in the story and let me kick her ass! haha cmon! it’d be sweet! stupid jerk deserves to get her ass handed to her after how she treats spencer. ugh. AMAAAAZING update! i’m in love with this story. no joke.

    7. “Then, you wouldn’t let me get that drag guy who impersonates Cher to sing for the reception!”haha i love Kyla!!!!!Megan is such a bitch! Ash will totally kick her ass

    8. “Then, you wouldn’t let me get that drag guy who impersonates Cher to sing for the reception!”haha i love Kyla!!!!!Megan is such a bitch! Ash will totally kick her ass

    9. ah man! I didn’t see that you’d updated like 4 more times! I feel guilty and ashamed – forgive me?! it’s awesome… actually kinda cool to read so many in one go cos it’s certainly moved on quite a bit! Shame Spencer and Ashley couldn’t have taken the party back home with them ;-) can imagine Kyla’s reaction! more soon? please? oh go on! oh, and Spencer needs to get over herself – just cos she’s a cheerleader doesn’t mean she has to act/think like one! Jx

    10. ah man! I didn’t see that you’d updated like 4 more times! I feel guilty and ashamed – forgive me?! it’s awesome… actually kinda cool to read so many in one go cos it’s certainly moved on quite a bit! Shame Spencer and Ashley couldn’t have taken the party back home with them ;-) can imagine Kyla’s reaction! more soon? please? oh go on! oh, and Spencer needs to get over herself – just cos she’s a cheerleader doesn’t mean she has to act/think like one! Jx

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