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    Changes – (Chapter: 4)

    Ashley gazed at Spencer’s upturned face and felt overwhelmed by emotion. Why hadn’t she ever seen her in this light before? God, she was a idiot to have stayed away so long. She slowly brought a hand up to Spencer’s face and traced her lips with her fingertips.

    Through every forest, above the trees
    Within my stomach, scraped off my knees
    I drink the honey inside your hive
    You are the reason I stay alive

    Spencer closed her eyes and brought her face in close to Ashley’s. Ashley grasped her shoulders and brought her lips down to Spencer’s. The song ended abruptly and the lights came on, blinding them.

    "All right everybody, it’s 2:00 AM. You don’t have to go home, but you sure as hell can’t stay here." The bartender called out.

    Spencer blinked and stepped back slowly. Shaking her head to clear her senses, she glanced around and noted that her girlfriend Megan was engaged in a heavy gropefest with Nicole. Instead of feeling rage, she felt shame. How could she be angry with Megan when she’d been doing the same thing with Ashley? Spencer closed her eyes and sighed.

    Ashley didn’t know what had happened. One moment, she’d had Spencer willing and in her arms, then next she was ignoring Ashley’s presence completely. Ashley reached out her hands toward her.


    Spencer drew away, feeling horrible. She still wanted Ashley, desperately, but not like this. Not when she was drunk and shameless and still obviously attached to someone else, no matter how little she cared for Megan.

    Spencer paused mid-thought and looked up angrily.

    She wasn’t the only one here who was attached.

    "Don’t you have a girlfriend back home? I thought that was the reason you never came back here." Spencer bit out.

    Ashley started, unprepared to answer this rapid line of questioning. "Uh, Spencer, … it’s complicated…"

    Spencer scowled. "I’m sure it is. Let me know when you’ve figured it out." She turned and headed towards Rebecca.

    "Becca, can I get a lift home?"

    The brunette nodded and put her arm around her friend, helping her outside.

    Ashley stood there, watching Spencer leave. She’d never felt so lonely in her life.

    Then she felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned around.

    "Keep your fucking hands off my girlfriend, bitch!"

    Megan’s fist was the last thing Ashley saw before she blacked out.


    1. No, Megan DIDN’T punch Ashley! She’s got a lot of nerve. I was so excited you updated again and such a lengthy update at that. Love it! At least now Spencer and Ashley can’t deny their attraction for one another. PMS!

    2. OK. I just registered for this site cos I had to leave feedback for this story. It’s fucking amazing, and I’m really excited to see where it goes, and how it goes. Keep writing, please, you’ve got talent.

    3. oh you’ve GOT to be kidding me! megan you stupid whore. ugh. put me in the story and let me kick her ass! haha cmon! it’d be sweet! stupid jerk deserves to get her ass handed to her after how she treats spencer. ugh. AMAAAAZING update! i’m in love with this story. no joke.

    4. No, Megan DIDN’T punch Ashley! She’s got a lot of nerve. I was so excited you updated again and such a lengthy update at that. Love it! At least now Spencer and Ashley can’t deny their attraction for one another. PMS!

    5. OK. I just registered for this site cos I had to leave feedback for this story. It’s fucking amazing, and I’m really excited to see where it goes, and how it goes. Keep writing, please, you’ve got talent.

    6. oh you’ve GOT to be kidding me! megan you stupid whore. ugh. put me in the story and let me kick her ass! haha cmon! it’d be sweet! stupid jerk deserves to get her ass handed to her after how she treats spencer. ugh. AMAAAAZING update! i’m in love with this story. no joke.

    7. “Then, you wouldn’t let me get that drag guy who impersonates Cher to sing for the reception!”haha i love Kyla!!!!!Megan is such a bitch! Ash will totally kick her ass

    8. “Then, you wouldn’t let me get that drag guy who impersonates Cher to sing for the reception!”haha i love Kyla!!!!!Megan is such a bitch! Ash will totally kick her ass

    9. ah man! I didn’t see that you’d updated like 4 more times! I feel guilty and ashamed – forgive me?! it’s awesome… actually kinda cool to read so many in one go cos it’s certainly moved on quite a bit! Shame Spencer and Ashley couldn’t have taken the party back home with them ;-) can imagine Kyla’s reaction! more soon? please? oh go on! oh, and Spencer needs to get over herself – just cos she’s a cheerleader doesn’t mean she has to act/think like one! Jx

    10. ah man! I didn’t see that you’d updated like 4 more times! I feel guilty and ashamed – forgive me?! it’s awesome… actually kinda cool to read so many in one go cos it’s certainly moved on quite a bit! Shame Spencer and Ashley couldn’t have taken the party back home with them ;-) can imagine Kyla’s reaction! more soon? please? oh go on! oh, and Spencer needs to get over herself – just cos she’s a cheerleader doesn’t mean she has to act/think like one! Jx

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