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    Changes – (Chapter: 6)

    Ashley looked her over and pondered the situation. Not bad looking. If she wanted to make Spencer jealous, this was probably how she should go about it.

    Ashley smirked and threw her arm around Nicole’s shoulders, leading her towards the front passenger seat of the car.

    "Sweetheart, you just got yourself a date."


    Spencer had been around the stadium eight times now. The only people left in the whole place where the janitors, herself and Chelsea.

    "Spencer, why don’t we just head back to my place to get ready for the party." Chelsea asked, placing a hand on her friend’s arm.

    Spencer shrugged her off and paced the hall. "I don’t know what’s going on! She was here to see me, I know it. Why would she just take off like that without even stopping to say hello? Or you know… a little congratulatory smooch?" Spencer pouted, kicking at a bit of leftover trash with the toe of her sneaker.

    Chelsea smiled reassuringly. "I’ll bet she just had something really important to take care of. You yourself said that you didn’t see Kyla or Aiden in the stands tonight. Maybe something happened with them."

    Spencer blanched. After losing Dad, she didn’t know if she could take it if anything were to happen to Kyla. She wasn’t just her big sister, she was like her surrogate mother… always checking up on her schoolwork, making sure she was happy and healthy. She hadn’t even been able to go to college like she’d planned. Instead, she’d gotten a job almost right out of high school to start paying for all the bills that had begun to pile up following the funeral of their Father. She and Aiden were the only family she had left No, Kyla had to be all right.

    Spencer pulled out her cell phone and quickly dialed the number to her house.

    Ring… Ring… Ring…

    "C’mon, pick up!" She muttered impatiently.

    "Hello?" Croaked out a tired voice.

    "Aiden!" Spencer sighed in relief. "Is Kyla there?! Is she alright? Where are you?"

    Aiden moaned at the other end of the line. "We both got some major food poisoning, Spence." He imitated Kyla with a high, girlish voice. "From those dee-lightful seafood puffs!"

    Spencer heard a smacking sound.


    1. HOT DAMN! that was AMAZING!! holy crap. why didnt spencer want to talk about it? for crying out loud woman! you just had your first time, with the girl you’ve wanted since FOREVER and you run away?! WHAT?! crazy girl. AAAMAZING update!!

    2. I can’t wait for Ash to tell Kyla. “Yeah uh, I kind of took your sisters virginity when I was super drunk at a college party”. Thats a fun talk to have.

    3. HOT DAMN! that was AMAZING!! holy crap. why didnt spencer want to talk about it? for crying out loud woman! you just had your first time, with the girl you’ve wanted since FOREVER and you run away?! WHAT?! crazy girl. AAAMAZING update!!

    4. I can’t wait for Ash to tell Kyla. “Yeah uh, I kind of took your sisters virginity when I was super drunk at a college party”. Thats a fun talk to have.

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