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    Changes – (Chapter: 6)

    "Ouch, Kyla! I’m sorry, OK?" Aiden whined. "Just don’t hit my stomach! I think if I throw up anymore I’m officially gonna turn inside out."

    Spencer smiled. "I’m just glad you guys are OK. I didn’t know what had happened to you." She gave Chelsea the thumbs up sign.

    "I guess you haven’t found Ashley yet, huh? We gave her some money to take you out to a nice dinner after your big game." Aiden replied.

    Spencer frowned. "Uh, yeah… I’m sure she’s around here somewhere." She lied.

    "Spencer, do you need me to come and pick you up? It might take a little while, what with all my pit stops to vomit, but I’m sure I can eventually make it if Ashley’s not there like she said she’d be." Aiden’s tone sounded concerned.

    "No, no… it’s fine. In fact, I see her right over there! Hi Ashley!" She shouted.

    "OK, Spencer. Have fun tonight, OK? Love ya." Aiden said, reassured.

    Spencer looked grim. "I will. Just get some rest, Alright? Tell Kyla I hope she feels better. Bye."

    She hung up the phone and turned to Chelsea.

    Chelsea looked puzzled. "What was that all about?"

    Spencer scowled. "That was about Ashley being and asshole and leaving, as usual!"

    She turned and stomped towards the parking lot.

    "C’mon, Chels. Let’s go party."


    When Ashley pulled up outside the Locke mansion twenty minutes later, it appeared as though the party was already in full swing. Hordes of drunken college students milled around outside the place, many wearing blue and gold face paint obviously leftover from the game.
    Nicole tugged on her arm. "Let’s get inside. I know where Becca keeps the good stuff."

    Ashley allowed herself to be led in through the foyer. Music pulsated through the whole house, walls vibrating from the bass. The living room appeared off to his left, filled with couples grinding on one another.

    She scowled. It reminded her too much of her time with Spencer last night.

    "Where’s the bar?" Ashley yelled over the noise.

    Nicole pointed down the hall. "This way!" She grabbed Ashley’s hand and led her through the throng of people waiting in line to get to the keg.

    Ashley shook her head. Beer wasn’t going to cut it for her tonight. Especially not that low grade keg shit college students always drank at parties. Natty Lite was cheap and easily attainable, for sure, but the taste was horrible and always made her want to heave.


    1. HOT DAMN! that was AMAZING!! holy crap. why didnt spencer want to talk about it? for crying out loud woman! you just had your first time, with the girl you’ve wanted since FOREVER and you run away?! WHAT?! crazy girl. AAAMAZING update!!

    2. I can’t wait for Ash to tell Kyla. “Yeah uh, I kind of took your sisters virginity when I was super drunk at a college party”. Thats a fun talk to have.

    3. HOT DAMN! that was AMAZING!! holy crap. why didnt spencer want to talk about it? for crying out loud woman! you just had your first time, with the girl you’ve wanted since FOREVER and you run away?! WHAT?! crazy girl. AAAMAZING update!!

    4. I can’t wait for Ash to tell Kyla. “Yeah uh, I kind of took your sisters virginity when I was super drunk at a college party”. Thats a fun talk to have.

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