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    Changes – (Chapter: 6)

    Leaning in, she placed her mouth over the satin of Spencer’s bra and sucked.

    "Yes!" Spencer whimpered.

    Ashley continued to work her other hand into Spencer’s slick core, now slowly fucking her with two fingers. Spencer moved herself faster and faster, obviously nearing her climax. Ashley placed her thumb over the blondes clit and pressed.

    Spencer stiffened, then shuddered as her orgasm rolled through her. She wailed out her release into Ashley’s neck.

    Ashley removed her fingers from Spencer’s still quivering pussy and licked them clean.

    Mm… Spencer taste.

    Spencer opened her eyes and gazed up at Ashley wantonly. Ashley gripped the back of her neck and pulled her into a hot, demanding kiss. Spencer could taste herself on the brunettes tongue.

    Slowly lowering herself off of Ashley’s lap, Spencer proceeded to nip her way down the front of her chest. Ashley quickly shed her denim jacket and leaned back. Spencer reached up under her shirt and smoothed her hand along the brunettes toned stomach. God, how long had she dreamt about doing exactly this? Getting on her knees in front of her, Spencer unbuckled Ashley’s belt and popped each button slowly, one by one. She pulled Ashley’s jeans down her tanned legs and threw them on the floor next to the chair, leaving Ashley with just her top on

    Spencer smirked.

    She wasn’t the only one not wearing underwear.

    Taking her time, Spencer slowly kissed her way up Ashley’s smooth thighs. Ashley shuddered and grasped her hair.

    "Fuck, Spencer…" She rasped.

    Spencer took the tip of her tongue and lightly swept it up Ashley’s folds. God she tasted Amazing . Spencer’s eyes rolled back into her head and she greedily started devouring Ashley.

    Ashley bucked in the seat. Spencer’s mouth was like an inferno. The sensation of Spencer pressing inside her sucking and tasting and teasing made Ashley cry out. This was too much, too soon. Spencer sucked on Ashley’s swollen nub as she curled two fingers into her, pressing into the brunettes spongy little g-spot just right…

    Ashley yelped a strangled cry, upper body bucking forward and slumping back again. Spencer
    pulled out her fingers and stuck her tongue inside of her, sucking up every gush of tangy fluid that corresponded with Ashley’s convulsions.

    Completely spent, Ashley pulled Spencer up into her lap and kissed her lightly on the mouth.

    Feeling suddenly shy, Spencer gazed up at her under lowered lashes. "Was I… was that OK?" She asked softly.

    "OK?" Repeated Ashley, shocked. "It was fucking unbelieveable! I’ve never felt anything like it before in my life." She stroked Spencer’s face. "You’re amazing."

    Spencer nuzzled her hand. "Good. I was worried. I’ve never… you know… done that before."

    "You’ve never…" Ashley’s hand stilled. "What are you saying? You’ve never had sex before?"

    Spencer froze in her lap. "Uh…"

    Bang! Bang! Bang!

    Spencer jumped about a foot in the air and instantly began straightening her clothes.

    "Whoever’s in there better get dressed and get out NOW! No one fucks in my bed but ME!" Rebecca shouted angrily through the door.

    Ashley watched as Spencer moved over to the mirror to fix her hair.

    "Sorry, Bec! I’ll be out in a sec, ‘kay?" She shouted back over her shoulder, reapplying her lipstick.

    "Spencer, we need to talk about this." Ashley said, quickly pulling her jeans back on and shrugging herself back into her jacket.

    Spencer grabbed her purse. "Not now, OK? I gotta go."

    Spencer opened the door and flew from the room.

    Ashley sighed and ran a hand through her hair.

    What had she gotten herself into?


    1. HOT DAMN! that was AMAZING!! holy crap. why didnt spencer want to talk about it? for crying out loud woman! you just had your first time, with the girl you’ve wanted since FOREVER and you run away?! WHAT?! crazy girl. AAAMAZING update!!

    2. I can’t wait for Ash to tell Kyla. “Yeah uh, I kind of took your sisters virginity when I was super drunk at a college party”. Thats a fun talk to have.

    3. HOT DAMN! that was AMAZING!! holy crap. why didnt spencer want to talk about it? for crying out loud woman! you just had your first time, with the girl you’ve wanted since FOREVER and you run away?! WHAT?! crazy girl. AAAMAZING update!!

    4. I can’t wait for Ash to tell Kyla. “Yeah uh, I kind of took your sisters virginity when I was super drunk at a college party”. Thats a fun talk to have.

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