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    College Gals – (Chapter: 10)

    "Yeah it is…but anyway you wanna get some food? You can use my shower first after all…"

    "Dylan ditched you, huh," Ashley asked with a chuckle as she watched Aiden’s cheeks grow red hot with anger.

    "I don’t see Spencer around here to take care of you!"

    "Oh she already did, last night," Ashley winked. She knew this was a lie but losing a verbal argument to Aiden was not an option, "but sure lunch sounds great…" Aiden nodded in agreement as Ashley grabbed an extra set of clothes and the two headed down the hallway towards Aiden and Dylan’s hotel sweet.


    Ashley laughed at one of Aiden’s absurd jokes and thanked the waitress when she brought the two their meals The burger and fries Aiden had ordered looked really good so Ashley leaned over and took a fry as Aiden answered his cell phone.

    "Hello? Hey Dyl…naw that’s fine," he paused as he looked up at Ashley a look of confusion on his face, "Lily? Who’s that? Oh I see…what about Spencer? Okay…no problem see you later…" Aiden hung up the phone the look of confusion still plastered on his face.

    "What’s up?" asked Ashley who was also now confused.

    "Dylan won’t be coming with us tonight… he wants to hang out with this girl he met…"

    "Oh okay…that’s cool maybe he’ll actually have sex for once," she laughed but Aiden didn’t, "so is he giving Spencer a ride home?"

    "Ash…Spencer wasn’t with him….he was with that girl all day…Lily I think it was…"

    "So where’s Spencer?"

    "He dosen’t know Ash…" the brunette’s heart rate immediately increased.

    "What the fuck do you mean he dosen’t know?!" Aiden cringed.

    "No one knows where Spencer is…" Ashley stood up suddenly and left the resteraunt leaving a speechless Aiden sitting there with the bill. Ashley began to think fast as she got into her car. Okay it’s not a very big island…where the hell would Spencer go…? A look of comprehension dawned on the brunette’s face as she answered her own question, Well duh Ashley! She stepped on the gas petal and headed towards the closest beach.

    "I have the best luck in the world," Ashley muttered to herself as she pulled into the first beach’s parking lot, and recognized a familiar blonde head of hair, "the first beach I look is the beach she goes to." Ashley got out of the car and began to half run, half walk toward Spencer. She also began yelling to her.

    "Spencer. SPENCER!" the blonde just stood there not turning even though Ashley was positive she had heard her. When she got near enough she heard the blonde whisper something.

    "Go away Ashley…"

    "What?" Ashley asked utterly confused. She placed her hand on the blonde’s shoulder but was surprised when Spencer shrugged her off, "Spencer what’s going on…"

    "I can’t stand it…"


    "I can’t stand it when you drink Ashley!" Spencer turned around now to face the stunned brunette, "and you no it wouldn’t be a problem if you didn’t drink all the time!"

    "Spencer where the hell did this come from," Ashley managed to make out as she stood there almost afraid of the blonde’s fury.

    "Last night, Ashley…do you remember ANY of last night?"

    "Not really…"

    Spencer laughed, "We were about to make love… and then you…you past out! And this isn’t even the first time it’s happened! You’re a drunk Ashley and the alcohol is tearing you and me apart!" Ashley took a deep breath as the words seemed to punch her in the stomach. Spencer’s eyes began to fill with tears as she whispered to herself as much as to Ashley, "and I don’t think I can do it anymore…"

    "Spencer are you breaking up with me…?" Ashley asked her own eyes filling with tears. Ashley looked at the blonde standing there in the sun and watched as the girl who held her heart in her hands opened her mouth to answer…

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    1. ok…im the person that leaves cliff hangers, thats just plain mean. but my christmas is still merry cuz you updated, and you can make it more merry if you get those creative juices flowing and produce me another update :]

    2. ok…im the person that leaves cliff hangers, thats just plain mean. but my christmas is still merry cuz you updated, and you can make it more merry if you get those creative juices flowing and produce me another update :]

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