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    College Gals – (Chapter: 11)

    Spencer stood there her eyes darting back from the ring to Ashley on one knee. She opened her mouth once again and this time no one silenced her.

    One word Ash…that’s what you’re waiting for… one word that is going to decide your life…


    Dylan couldn’t believe how beautiful she was. The way her mouth moved, the way she moved, the way her eyes glistened in the sunset. Dylan and Lily walked slowly together down the beach hand in hand. Lily was laughing once again. Her mouth in an ‘O’ shape as the laugh that Dylan loved so much floated through the air. Dylan couldn’t believe that he was in love… he was in love with this girl he just met. He was so busy staring that he didn’t hear Lily’s voice. The raven-haired girl noticed that Dylan was staring but was surprised that instead of staring at her chest like most guys did he was staring at her eyes. She stopped trying to get his attention and stared back.

    Dylan couldn’t help it he leaned in slowly and waited for Lily to lean in the rest of the way. 90%, 10% come on Dylan you’ve seen ‘Hitch’ enough to know how this workd! Don’t move in anymore Don’t- but his thoughts were cut off as a feeling of pleasure overwhelmed him. Lily’s lips had met his. It wasn’t a rushed kiss or a hard kiss but it still managed to be passionate and both Dylan and Lily felt it. They pulled away reluctantly both needing air. Lily looked at the sunset that was behind Dylan and she saw a pair down nearer to the water.

    "Aww, that’s so sweet…"

    Dylan was confused. What is she talking about? Did she not like the kiss?! Lily noticed the strange look on Dylan’s face and laughed.

    "No, not the kiss, the kiss was amazing…I meant the couple down by the water…see a girl’s proposing…" Dylan let out a sigh of relief than turned to look at what Lily was talking about. His breath caught in his throat.

    "Holy Shit…!" Lily stared at him.

    "Ya know I don’t think that I’ve ever heard you curse before…" she said playfully. Dylan who didn’t recognize the playfulness immediately began to apologize and explain.

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    1. i’m so freakin happy she said yes. i love this story so much. but i’m still kind of worried about that girl that dylan is with. why were people freakin at the party when he wanted to go talk to her. even she freaked a little. lol. pms

    2. i’m so freakin happy she said yes. i love this story so much. but i’m still kind of worried about that girl that dylan is with. why were people freakin at the party when he wanted to go talk to her. even she freaked a little. lol. pms

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