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    College Gals – (Chapter: 11)

    "I’m sorry…it’s just those girls…"

    "It’s okay…." Lily said pulling him in closer silencing him instantly, "it’s hot…" she laughed as the blonde’s cheeks began to redden, "I embaressed you!"

    "It’s just those girls… I know them…"

    Lily squinted her eyes and looked closer, "Ohh yeah isn’t that that girl who passed out while we were dancing?"


    "And that must be Spencer the girl that she wanted to fuck so badly?" Dylan laughed at the comment and the bluntness of the Hawaiian native.

    "Yeah that’s the one…I wonder what she’s thinking…"


    Oh shit, oh shit, OH SHIT! One knee Spencer one fucking knee! What are you gonna do?? What are you going to fucking do? Spencer realized that this would have been one of those cartoon moments where a devil and an Angel appeared on her shoulders.

    Devil: that’s right say yes…say yess!

    Surprisingly the angel and the devil both looked like Paula…

    Angel: Say no it says that you shouldn’t be gay in the bible…

    "It also says that we shouldn’t get divorced and yet we do…" Spencer mumbled to herself out loud. The brunette on the floor looked up at her strangely.


    Oh fuck! Did I say that out loud? Yes..I suppose that I did…you know what fuck heaven! What kinda fun would heaven be without Ashley anyway?

    "I said… yes…yes I will marry you Ashley Davies!"

    Ashley’s heart filled with joy as she heard the answer she longed for. Okay so it was more than one word but I still got the result I wanted! Ashley jumped up and Spencer jumped into Ashley’s arms telling her how much she loved her in her ear. Ashley pulled back, slipped the ring on Spencer’s finger and kissed her feircely.


    Dylan and Lily watched the happy scene from afar Dylan couldn’t contain himself anymore. He started sprinting toward the couple. Spencer turned and saw the blonde running toward her. Before she oculd move or speak the blonde had swept her into a huge hug lifting her up from the ground into his arms. Spencer hung on for dear life. When Dylan set her down he looked the happiest she had ever seen him. He grabbed her hand.

    "You’ve grwn so much my damsel in distress…" he whispered the the astonished blonde. Realizaion hit Spencer. She was getting married to the person she loved best. She couldn’t help it and tears rose to her eyes. Dylan wipped them from her eyes understanding far to well. He swept her into another hug cradiling her. Ashley coughed very loudly.

    Uh huh yeah…hands off the fiancee," she said a look of mock annoyance on her face. The taller blonde laughed and let go of Spencer who in turn went running into Ashley’s arms. By this time Lily had reached the trio and had wrapped her arm securely around Dylan’s waist. Ashley whistled.

    "Looks like we aren’t the only one’s that are happy," she smiled at Lily who smiled back. She reached out to shake the native’s hand.

    "Name’s Ashley…"

    "Lily," the raven-haired girl replied taking the brunette’s hand, "it’s nice to meet you sober Ashley…" Ashley felt Spencer tense.

    "Yeah and get used to it ’cause this is the only way you’re gonna meet me ever again…" Ashley looked at Spencer who had a huge grin on her face. Dylan looked surprised.

    "What? Ashley no alcohol, oh wow," he turned to Lily, "hope you brought you’re ice skates babe ’cause I think hell just froze over."

    "Har Har, you are just sooo funny Dylan," Ashley said sarcastically, "you sure nabbed a good one Lil." Lily laughed at the new nickname and the comment.

    "Yeah I did didn’t I…" she said sincerely looking up at Dylan, the blonde beamed.

    "Okay, okay," Spencer said in between her laughter, "no mushy moments please!"

    "Hey you had yours now it’s my turn!" Dylan said jokingy, "hey I know you are alcohol free Ashley but I still think we should go celebrate. i have a bet to fufill and besides you could always get a virgin…" Spencer laughed as she remembered the previous bet. Ashley looked between the two.

    "All right that’s not cool!" she said in a whiny voice, "inside joke! I wanna know!"

    "You’ll see Ash, you’ll see…" the four left the beach all feeling happier than they ever had.

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    1. i’m so freakin happy she said yes. i love this story so much. but i’m still kind of worried about that girl that dylan is with. why were people freakin at the party when he wanted to go talk to her. even she freaked a little. lol. pms

    2. i’m so freakin happy she said yes. i love this story so much. but i’m still kind of worried about that girl that dylan is with. why were people freakin at the party when he wanted to go talk to her. even she freaked a little. lol. pms

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