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    College Gals – (Chapter: 5)

    "Hello my fair maiden!"

    Ashley laughed, "Hey Dylan. Niccee car…Is it new?"

    "Yep," the blonde smiled proudly, "my brother’s buisness is doing well so he got me this new car for my birthday…"

    "Wait… It’s your birthday?! Wow! Why didn’t you fucking tell me? Happy Birthday!" Ashley hopped into the back of the car as she said this giving Dylan a quick birthday kiss on the cheek before sitting down on the leather interior.

    "Yeah well… I don’t like to advertise," Dylan blushed, "to much attention you know?"

    "We should go celebrate! We are going to have such a fun time tonight. We might even be able to get little angel boy here to drink!’ Dylan laughed.

    "It’s a special night…sure I might have a drink!"

    Ashley plastered an expression of mock amazement on her face, "there is a sentence I never thought I’d hear you say. Welcome to the dark side Dylan Roahel," she said a Star Wars tone in her voice. Dylan laughed and stepped on the gas all three of the young adults excited for the night to come.

    I feel really bad for lying to Ashley but it’s not like I could tell her the truth… she would want to come… to help… she’s there for me when I need her but I need to do this by myself… Spencer looked around the stingy diner. Why in the world did she want to meet here? After years of not speaking to her and they finally have their reunion in a… diner? Sometime she really did confuse Spencer.

    "Spencer?" a woman asked cautiously.

    "Yes…" tears started to well up in Spencer’s eyes. No I promised myself that I wouldn’t let her get to me… she shook her head, pulled herself together and looked up, "Hi mom…"


    "Sit mom we have a lot to discuss," Spencer surprised herself with how cold her voice sounded when she spoke to the other woman. It had been four years since Spencer’s mother had left her two brothers and father. She had run off with a fellow doctor. Spencer didn’t speak his name regarding it as a curse. Mrs… well Spencer didn’t know what to call her had contacted Spencer a couple of days ago and Spencer had agreed to meet with her. Sitting a cross from her mother now Spencer felt a wave of emotion overcome her and a ton of questions run through her head. Why had her mother left without a word to her family? Why did she come back now? She wants something… Spencer couldn’t seem to stop that thought from creeping through her mind.

    "Honey… say something…"

    "I odn’t have anything to say. You, however, have a massive amount of talking to do," Spencer remarked coldly at her mother.

    ‘baby, I’m sorry I left you and our fami…"

    "Our? No you have no right to call the Carlin’s your family anymore! You abandoned us! Dad is in rehab now for his alcohol addiction thanks to you. Clay stopped studying and is now fllipping burgers. Glenn… I don’t even know where to begin with Glenn. He…he…" Spencer took a deep breath and started again, "I understand why he did what he did…killi…killing..." Paula flinched at the word, "Was the best thing he could have done for himself. It was the only thing he could have done! AND IT"S ALL YOUR FAULT!" Spencer was screaming now unable to hold it in anymore. Wow for someone who didn’t have anything to say I certainly talked a whole fucking lot… "What do you want mom? What could you possibly want…?"

    Paula was crying now the tears coming fast and hard from her eyes, "Spencer…I’m sorry…I…"

    "Just tell me what you fucking want and then get your cheating ass out of my sight!"

    "I…Ben left me and…" Paula stuttered.

    I laughed at her, "well I’m glad that you know how whe felt when you left…" Spencer snapped her voice drained of all sympathy.

    "I have no mo-money Spencer…no place to stay… Spencer I can’t even pay for this milkshake…"

    "I knew you wanted something…get out of my sight Paula…I don’t…" Spencer couldn’t get the words out through her fury, "I can’t even call you mom…just leave…"

    Paula’s temper fired up as she stared at her daughter, anger rising like bile in her throat, "you ungrateful bitch!" she hissed, "I gave you life and you can’t even give me a place to stay…"

    "Don’t you dare," Spencer spit, "all you gave me was a fucked up life full of pain…LEAVE! No you know what I’ll leave!" Spencer ran out of the diner tears flying from her eyes. How could she do this? She dosen’t deserve to live… Spencer floored the gas petal and made her way west toward her only comfort zone…        

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