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    College Gals – (Chapter: 7)

    "I was just wondering if you two wanted to go to Antonio’s but seeing as you obviously had other plans…" 

    "Shut the fuck up Aiden! Sure we will go but for now would you mind going into the bathroom so Spencer can remove herself from underneath the covers," Ashley said still a bit annoyed.

    "Oh yeah sure," he said heading towards the bathroom yelling to Spencer before he entered, "Sorry ’bout busting in Spence…" As soon as Ashley saw that Aiden was safely in the bathroom she called out to the embarresed blonde.

    "Spencer come on out it’s okay…"

    "Are you sure?" Spencer asked warily from underneath the huddled mass.

    "Yes babe it’s fine come in here so we can get some clothes on you though… I must admit I like you without them," Ashley couldn’t help herself.

    "Okay," Spencer said as she entered the walk in closet. When she entered Ashley was pulling on a pair of jeans. Spencer’s mouth seemed to water as she stared at the half naked brunette.

    "Are you ready for this Spencer?" Ashley asked as she handed Spencer a pile of clothes that she thought might look cute on the pettite blonde.

    "To get dressed, fuck yes," Spencer responded while pulling a shirt over her head. Ashley couldn’t help but chuckle a bit but then she turned serious once again as she now fully clothed approached the gorgeous blonde.

    "No I mean for this…"

    "For what?"

    "For us…?"

    "Baby," Spencer stepped in closer and moved Ashley into an intimate hug, "I…" she took a deep breath, "i love you… and I want to be with you…" Ashley pulled away and looked into Spencer’s eyes.

    "I love you too Spence…" So this is what love feels like…I l-o-v-e it! She then pulled Spencer into a passionate kiss.

    "Then let’s go…" They finished getting dressed and exited the closet. They called Aiden back into the room duely noting that he looked a little hot and flustered. Ashley and Spencer figured it was probably best not to comment. After a few words the trio left to go to Antonio’s.

    When they arrived, Spencer and Ashley stepped out of the car. As they started to walk towards the pizzeria Spencer slipped her hand into the brunette’s. Together they walked into the building… hand in hand…

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