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    Come Down To Me – (Chapter: Against My Will)

    “Spence, just hear me out, okay?” Kyla’s turn to get up and she goes to her window behind her desk, over looking the city as the sky continues to overcast. “Dragon Link is the hottest thing out there..”

    “Who?” What the hell is a dragon link and what does it have to do with me. Kyla turns and has a shocked look on her face.

    “Dragon Link is the hottest band out there and is only the hardest group to interview. Well, at least to get the lead singer to actually sit down and interview. How do you not now about them? Don’t you ever turn on the radio or watch tv?”

    Now I am really losing my patience and friend or no friend I am about to lose my temper. “Look that is great and all but really find someone else to do this. You know damn well what I have been up to for you and the company. When I am done editing my last piece, I am taking a month off, as promised.”

    “Look, I would find someone to do this but Aiden Dennison, their manager, only wants you. Something about spin control on the bad image their band has been getting lately in the press. He requested you personally and has been following your work. This would be great for you and the company, plus I kind of already agreed to it.”

    “You what! How could you do this and not even tell me about it? Do I not have any say anymore?” I am frantic now and have to get out of here and fast. What a nightmare. What a migraine. As I make my way to the door Kyla tries to reel me in again

    “Spencer! Wait, please wait.” I see the troubled look on her face as I turn around. “This did not come from me but actually the network. We had to take this documentary on, I actually tried to suggest someone else but they stayed firm. We both have no other choice in this. I’m sorry, really I am. I know how hard you have been working and know that this company would not be where it is without you.” She actually looked troubled. “Spence please sit and hear this out, okay?”

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