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    Come Down To Me – (Chapter: Against My Will)

    I release my death grip from the door knob, slowly making my way over to the chair again. Reluctant to sit plus too keyed up, I opt to stand and cross my arms. “Say what you need to say.”

    “First off, the last project is almost finished being edited,” Flashing her pearly whites, “ due to your editing on the road and fabulous camera work, the rest of the team can finish it up.“ I begin to protest but she firmly puts her hand up, “Hear me out. This assignment is three months longer then your last one but it starts and finishes in LA. Dragon Link starts off their tour next week You officially start tomorrow and your plane takes off at 4 am tomorrow.”

    “Why can’t I just meet with them on the road after my month off?” I hate this. “What if I refuse or just quit?” Sucks that it came to this.

    “You are still under contract and you know as well as I how well that will go over, besides you know you love me and cannot bare the thought of working under someone other then me. I promise once this is over I will personally buy you a ticket anywhere you want and put you up in an all inclusive resort. Beside, I could use a break myself and might even join you on your trip.”

    “Can’t I join them next week for their first show? I just got off a plane and haven’t even gone home or even slept. I have been up since five this morning,” Looks at her watch, “and it’s already seven. I’m tired, cranky, hungry and dirty. I just want to grab some food, go home, take a long bath, hop into bed and watch the news tell I fall asleep hopefully not wake up for a year.”

    “Dragon Link, which I still cannot believe you have never heard of, is releasing their new cd tomorrow just in time for their first show next Friday at the Roxy Theatre. The documentary will be aired in episodes leading to the final episode back in LA. We need you there tomorrow for the release party. After the party and working your magic on the film, you are free until the following week. Get out and visit that darling niece of yours. Think of it as a mini trip. Make sure you give Paula and Art a hug for me.” Beaming me with another smile.

    “So in other words, I am in this against my will and shouldn’t plan my life for another six months?” Looking at Kyla I say with a defeated look on my face.

    Giving me a big hug, “Welcome back by the way. Aren’t you glad you came home?” snickering she adds, “Now get your cranky ass home and packed.”

    I return the hug and add, “I haven’t even been home to unpacked because my bitch of a boss wanted me to return to the office. Guess that is one less thing for me to do. You owe me huge for this!” Kyla is going to be sending me on one hell of a vacation when this is all said and done.

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