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    Come Down To Me – (Chapter: Postponed Date)

    Upon entering the building I notice the weather has change from being sunny to now looking like we were in for a terrible storm. In my mind I am wondering if this is a foreshadow for how my mood will be when I leave this meeting that cannot wait until tomorrow. I would have returning anyways to finish up editing and taking care of loose ends before planning my trip away for a while. The business part of the building is actually quite big and beautiful. Marble floors throughout the reception area with large windows overlooking the city and lot of plants. I swear if they took every plant in the building they could recreate Central Park or something. “We” av geeks are pretty much locked up in the basement. Lets just say if you don’t know what time it is when you are leaving and let time escape you, you might be shocked to know it is night already when getting to your car and might not see the sun for a whole day. Not that I am complaining, all of our equipment is state of the art and compared to what I began using in college and tooled around with in high school; put it this way difference between an old Oldsmobile to a brand new Porsche, all stops pulled out. God, I am glad I am not using 9mm film anymore! Digital all the way, baby. Enough of my musing, I am at Judy’s desk, Kyla’s secretary.

    “Nice to see you Mrs. Carson. Hope Kyla is in a good mood and makes this quick, I have a date.” I can see the excitement build in Judy’s eyes, “I don’t get out much, who has the time theses days…. Not me. Maybe soon.” I quickly add, “ with my bed.” While winking at her. Judy is like another mother to me, guess someone has to worry about me since I left my family behind in Los Angeles for my career here in the Big Apple.

    “Ms. Carlin, Kyla is on the phone and should be off momentary, please keep me company until she is finished.” No matter how many times I tell her to call me Spencer, she refuses, always the professional.

    I reach into my backpack until I can feel a large envelope with Mrs. Carson neatly printed on it and hand it over to Judy. A big smile plays a crossed her face and excitement reaches her eyes as she quickly opens it up. Letting out a shriek and rising off her chair to do what I am pretty sure is her interpretation of a happy dance. She quickly grabs me and pulls into a big hug, still gazing at the gift.

    Just as she was winding down Kyla opened her door and startled a normally professional Judy. “Spencer Carlin, what have you done with my Judy! I could hear her screaming all the way behind my thick and might I add, shut door.”

    “Ms. Carlin was thoughtful and brought me the best present I have ever received, besides my two baby boys, she brought me autograph pictures of The Light Side Of Dark, only the best band ever!” Still holding the photos in her hand, while trying to catch her breath.

    I have never seen Judy so not professional. It is giving me glimpses of what she may have been like in college all young and wild… makes me snicker. “Kyla are you ready for our meeting, I would love to get home and sleep before returning in the morning to finish.”


    “Step into my office and have a seat, Spence.” She says looking at me and then turns to Judy to add in a quiet voice, “I have never seen you smile so much, looks good on you.”

    From what I can gather Kyla is in a good mood, but her calling me Spence is throwing me off. I have know Kyla since college. We were roommates all throughout and become best friends. I always being behind the camera and Kyla was always in front of the camera, well until she feel in love with the business side of film. She has a knack for being boss, guess it comes from being an only child, don’t have to share and are the center of attention. We have been there for one another through messy break ups to our big move to New York. But she only calls me Spence when she wants something I am probably not going to like…

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