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    Come Down To Me – (Chapter: Sign or Not Sign)

    Opening the door wider for him to gain entrance, “First off Aiden, you should know by now my number one rule…never bring a girl to where you live, hotel room yes, but never your home. Secondly, you hardly introduced her to me. If I recall, you cornered the poor girl asking if she would like a drink or something equally as lame and she took one look at my hot bod and ran right into my arms.” Shutting the door with force and following the unexpected guest into the kitchen. “Now, spill it suit! I have beauty sleep to attend to and don’t wish to be late.”

    Running a hand through his 300 dollar hair cut and then looking up to me. “ That is hardly how it went down, but enough about that, I was… umm …. hoping to bring you to breakfast. You know… last minute talk about the band’s new cd and the big tour coming up next week.”

    A stuttering Aiden cannot be good. “Really Aiden, I know as well as anyone we rapped up things last month. Everything is signed, dated and sealed. Besides, I was unaware of a band meeting.” Looking at him he appears to have something on his mind as his hand keeps running through his expensive cut. He has a troubled look on his face and it makes me worried and a little sad to see this. Aiden and I go way back to grade school. Hell, we even dated for a bit…. and I still get shivers just thinking about it. Don’t get me wrong, he is a sweet guy, good looking in all with that all around athlete/model look but come on so not my type. Plus he’s like a bother to me, he is the closet thing I have to family. We went from bailing each other out of trouble (which lets face it, it happened often) to pressuring our dreams. It really worked out for us, with me following in my father’s footsteps finding a life in the music world and Aiden attending college for business. Having your best friend as your manager can be nerve racking but I can trust him and know he won’t screw me. He was there for the worst times in my life and never left me.

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    1. well looks like ash really will have to clean her act up then huh? can’t wait to see how the interaction between spence and ash plays out. great update, pms!

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