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    Come on Closer – (Chapter: What a Day)

    “You’re late,” I heard Julie say as I breezed by her desk when I was, of course late. “Way to show you earned this promotion.”

    “Shut up, Julie, it’s your fault,” I say with out even making eye contact with her. But I could just feel her smile following me. I walk into my office and there’s a women whom i’ve never met sitting in one of my chairs. She smiles at me and stands up.

    “Hi, you must be Spencer Carlin. I’m Kyla Woods your new partner,” She said extending her hand. I’m sort of lost as to how to react to her. She seems, bubbly. I mean I can deal with bubbly, but in spurts.

    “Hi, i’ve heard a lot about you,” I say completely lying. What am I supposed to say, Hi I only heard you were on board yesterday and I didn’t even know your name let alone you weren’t a man.

    “Oh i’ve heard tons about you. TONS.  You’re old manager had nothing but good things to say and I am really excited to work along side you. I have lots of experience with writing and especially editing. We are two women, two very smart intelligent independent women. Are you aware that we are the only women pair on any floor in this magazine? We could
    make dents in this business. We could move up!”

    I could barely close my jaw it was hanging so far to the floor. Partly because I have never met anyone so jolly and it was making me sick to admit that it was catchy and partly because I had not thought about the fact that we were the only women duo in the office. If Kyla was as smart as she said she was we could make an impact. I was starting to feel excited. Me? Excited? Oh god, what is going to happen next.


    The work day went by surprisingly fast. I have to go to a work dinner tonight, more sucking up, more work. But I’m okay with that, I just need sometime to go home and make myself “look hot” as my boss asked of me. Sometimes I wonder if I was hired just because of my looks. Then I remember I have more balls then half the men in this office, I could
    bring them down if I tried to start my own business. My boss knows this and this is why I have my own office, my own hours, and a pretty hefty salary.

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    1. Haha…Here we go!Can’t wait to know how awkward the next hour is going to turn out……I something takes over you all of a sudden and you decide to post more today ;)….Anyways…loved the update!

    2. UH OHHH! spaghettios! haha this should be QUITE the interesting lunch. will there be flirting in the form of touching under the table? or will it just be completely awkward?! ONLY TIME WILL TELL! dun dun dunnnn. excellent update

    3. Hahahaha! YES!!! This was awesome. This is going to be great, I can tell. Sweeeet! Update real soon so I can laugh some more. I find this so interesting. And the way that Ashley kept saying OH Shit after each sentence was so effin’ hilarious. :] Love.

    4. Haha…Here we go!Can’t wait to know how awkward the next hour is going to turn out……I something takes over you all of a sudden and you decide to post more today ;)….Anyways…loved the update!

    5. UH OHHH! spaghettios! haha this should be QUITE the interesting lunch. will there be flirting in the form of touching under the table? or will it just be completely awkward?! ONLY TIME WILL TELL! dun dun dunnnn. excellent update

    6. Hahahaha! YES!!! This was awesome. This is going to be great, I can tell. Sweeeet! Update real soon so I can laugh some more. I find this so interesting. And the way that Ashley kept saying OH Shit after each sentence was so effin’ hilarious. :] Love.

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