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    Come on Closer – (Chapter: What a Day)

    I come home to my apartment and immediately get into the shower and let my day just roll off my back. I have time to think about last night. About Spencer. I spend so much time with so many different people that I thought nothing could shock me anymore. Oh was I wrong. I mean holy shit, she kissed me. The bored, lonely, straight looking girl came over and kissed me. Sure it could be reduced to drunken stupor, but still. I couldn’t wrap my head around it. That was the worst part of it all. Why the hell was I so shaken by it? I want an answer but I can’t get one. It’s starting to tick me off.

    I got out the shower and spent the next half hour glamming myself up. Dark eye shadow, curled hair, halter top, curvy jeans, strappy shoes, the works. I guess I was hot, well I know I’m above average in looks, but it’s all a matter of opinion. If I was as hot as people say I am how come I don’t have a girl friend? I suppose my attitude needs a make over but I refuse to think that there isn’t someone out there who can deal with me. Is that too much for a girl to ask. COME ON. I don’t believe in changing yourself for someone else. If they don’t like me then of COURSE I don’t like them. Duh.

    *ring ring ring* Damn phone…


    “Ash, it’s Kyla and…” I cut her off

    “How was Aiiiiiden?” I ask almost in a sing song voice. Purely to be annoying. It’s an oldest sisters duty.

    “Better than Jake Griffin,” she says with a giggle. I stop in my tracks.

    “No shit, the player has some skills? Why didn’t I dance with him?” I ask in mock self pity.

     “Because you don’t like his equipment,”

    “Oh, thats right.”

    Jake Griffin was the guy both of us unintentionally slept with on a vacation to Mexico when we graduated High school. Kyla slept with him because she wanted to put it on her resume under experience and me because at this point I was still questioning my sexuality. I mean I guess I haven’t stopped questioning it, but i’ve pretty much found a landing in women and thats good enough for me. Never the less, Jake was the best sex either of us have had, ever. It’s a on going joke with us about comparing everything to Jake. Jake and his skills. But now I guess the new comparison was Aiden. Great, now was I going to have to sleep with Aiden to compare?

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    1. Haha…Here we go!Can’t wait to know how awkward the next hour is going to turn out……I something takes over you all of a sudden and you decide to post more today ;)….Anyways…loved the update!

    2. UH OHHH! spaghettios! haha this should be QUITE the interesting lunch. will there be flirting in the form of touching under the table? or will it just be completely awkward?! ONLY TIME WILL TELL! dun dun dunnnn. excellent update

    3. Hahahaha! YES!!! This was awesome. This is going to be great, I can tell. Sweeeet! Update real soon so I can laugh some more. I find this so interesting. And the way that Ashley kept saying OH Shit after each sentence was so effin’ hilarious. :] Love.

    4. Haha…Here we go!Can’t wait to know how awkward the next hour is going to turn out……I something takes over you all of a sudden and you decide to post more today ;)….Anyways…loved the update!

    5. UH OHHH! spaghettios! haha this should be QUITE the interesting lunch. will there be flirting in the form of touching under the table? or will it just be completely awkward?! ONLY TIME WILL TELL! dun dun dunnnn. excellent update

    6. Hahahaha! YES!!! This was awesome. This is going to be great, I can tell. Sweeeet! Update real soon so I can laugh some more. I find this so interesting. And the way that Ashley kept saying OH Shit after each sentence was so effin’ hilarious. :] Love.

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